Hi I'm 33 yrs old and I live in the US and recently underwent tests for multiple miscarriages. I have one healthy little girl who will be 3 in January and had an absolutely perfect easy pregnancy with her. I tested positive for LA and high B2glycoprotein 1, IgM antibody but need to be retested to confirm APS. I believe this explains many of the symptoms I've been having for a few years. Heart palpitations, sharp pains in my chest and limbs, migraines - all docs told me it was anxiety and put me on Zanax. Anyway, my questions is...I've read a lot about Vitamin K affecting blood clotting. I eat VERY healthy and in my research see that Vitamin K encourages blood clotting and it's in every green veggie, green tea, and some fruits. If on a blood thinning medication I've read to continue consuming whatever amount you were eating before. But what if you aren't medicated?! I find it so hard to believe that these healthy foods can be causing problems but I also don't want to exacerbate my condition by continuing to eat large amounts of Vitamin K. Anyone have any experience on this topic?
Vitamin K: Hi I'm 33 yrs old and I live... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Vitamin K

Vit K will cause clotting-so same amount every day would be a must to stabilize your INR if you are on Warfarin Sulfate { coumadin }as an anticoagulant

If you are on Warfarin, it is vital that you stick to the same amount of greens per day and don't alter it. Also, many people with Hughes Syndrome/APS also have a Thyroid problem, so it is very important to have that checked out thoroughly beyond just the TSH test, also getting your levels of D, B12, folate and ferritin checked. It is very important that you are clearly managed by a specialist who fully understands this condition. MaryF
Hi Amanda I'm in the same awful predicament two years 4 misscarrage and 2 eptopic pregnancy and finally was diagnosed with Aps my eptopic pregnancy were both treated with methotrexate injections so thankfully I've kept both my tubes had hsg test to make sure my Tubes are not damaged we are currently ttc again since Sept but no luck so far I'm just wondering if you have been tested for b12 as palpitations are what got me diagnosed as being b12 deficient it's an awful feeling and done how b12 and APS seem too affect fertility I'm currently taking 75mg of aspirin every day and will start heripin injections as soon as I get my positive pregnancy test it's quite scary but I think I can try one last time you should ask your Dr to test your b12 levels hope you feel well soon 😊
Regarding your question of eating a lot of leafy greens causing clots? No. No. No. In fact, it is more likely the opposite! Recent research indicates that autoimmunity begins with a problem with the gut biome, undiagnosed mold and/or food allergies and stress. Those who do not eat enough healthy foods with fiber are more likely to have a dysfunctional gut biome which results in "leaky gut symdrome," which results in "stuff" entering the blood stream which provokes an autoimmune attack. Which is still not the problem. The issue which prompts autoimmune disease is when the autoimmune system makes a mistake: it creates a "find and attack" program which targets the body's own tissue instead of an invader. Diet, environment , lack of exercise and stressers all increase inflammation, autoimmune activity and the chance that the autoimmune system will program in a "mistake."
Statistics indicate that the autoimmune mistake which leads to APLS is linked to mononucleosis infections (aka glandular fever,) an undiagnosed gluten sensitivity (aka mild case of Celiac) and low Vitamin B levels (which can be caused by an inflamed gut which can not absorb all the B that is consumed.
Once on warfarin it is essential to consume the same amount of Vitamin K per day. The officiial coumadin website has a list of Vitamin K food amounts as well as foods which will "thin" your blood. If you go on warfarin, print it out and keep a detailed log of foods, activities and INR blood levels. In a few weeks you will understand how your body reacts to types of food, activity levels, sun exposure --- etc.
When I was first diagnosed in 2001 I was told to avoid eating all Vitamin K food. Some doctors still ask their patients to eat that way. Again. NO. Consistency is the key --- not depriving your body of the vitamins and nutrients it needs!
Gina, thank you!!! That is music to my ears! I've actually been researching leaky gut and thinking about trying AIP but fearful of how restrictive it is. It would be even worse if I wasn't able to consume vitamin k rich foods like broccoli, kale, brussell sprouts, etc. I also love beans, nuts, and grains so giving those up will be hard enough (not AIP friendly). What would I eat? Have you tried AIP or any other autoimmune diet? Nutrition is a side hobby of mine but I'm really getting discouraged.
I've been gluten free since February as I've already been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and hoped this would help (no change yet). I will need to look into the mononucleosis infections. Is this something that can be tested for? I'll also get my B levels checked as everyone has recommended that!
Thank you, thank you!!
When it comes to Vit K as others have said consistency is the key same amount every day. Also if and when you start warfarin don’t be disheartened if you have challenges keeping within your set range. I’ve been on warfarin 20+ years and even now it presents challenges now and then.
Also do remember we are all different I have no problems with Vit levels or Thyroid levels, am not gluten intolerant and have no food allergies.