Over the past 5 years I have been seen by Prof Hughes at London Bridge Hospital. Due to his retirement I am unable to see him again. Can you recommend the next best specialist to deal with Hughes Syndrome?
Hughes specialist at London Bridge Ho... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Hughes specialist at London Bridge Hospital?

You asked the same question a few months back and you had many good responses. Why not revisit that post for suggestions.
Hope you get sorted soon

I would ask Prof. Hughes for a referral.
Dr David D'Cruz took over from him as Director at St Thomas Hospital Lupus Clinic. He was trained by Prof. Hughes, as most, if not all, at the London Bridge.
With good wishes,
Thank you for your reply Ros. I spoke to London Bridge today and they recommended a few specialists. Prof D'Cruz didn't have any appointments until end of November. I have made an appointment with Dr Kaul beginning of next month. I was reassured he could help me with my condition 😊
I am in the care of Dr Kaul on the NHS and he is a lovely man who really cares about his patients and I am delighted with the treatment I have had from his clinic.
You have made an excellent choice! MaryF