I have a flu vaccination every year. I have APS diagnosed in 2016. This year my GP has suggested I have the Pneumococcal vaccine. Anybody have any views regarding this vaccine.
APS and pneumoccal vaccine any pros/c... - Hughes Syndrome A...
APS and pneumoccal vaccine any pros/cons?

- Tinnitus
- Pulmonary embolism
- Influenza Vaccine
- Intestinal and stomach conditions
- Cardiovascular disease
- Pneumococcal vaccine
I’ve not had it yet but my GP has also said I should have the pneumonia jab as I’ve had some nasty chest infections and developed asthma. I’ll get it in September with the annual flu jab.
Kelly x

Had the pneumonia jab a couple of years ago - was followed up by 2nd jab - have now been told don't need anything further for 10 years.
No injection is 100% prevention of infection.
Had no reaction to actual injection.
My yearly bronchitis infections stopped after I got the shot/jab. Didn't expect this, but it sure was appreciated.
My gp recommended it, but said to check with my consultants first, and they all gave me the green light. I’d check with yours too. I also have the flu jab, and didn’t have any problems winter just gone. Hope that helps
My rheumatologist told me some 20 years ago that while flu shots were fine, the pneumonia shot was not good for anyyone with a positive ANA. I no longer consult with him, so - true? false? anyything about vaccine or our knowledge or response changed?

My mix of disease means my rather good and forensically, (now retired, lovely GP), said even a flu shot would be dangerous for me, as I also have Stevens Johnson type reactions, which of course is part of a 'mast cell' type of disease. Some do ok with shots, but some of us will have a reaction, so I can't give you my personal opinion, regarding what you should do, presumably your GP will look at your previous allergy history if you have any. MaryF
I have had the pneumonia vaccine and shingles. No problem. Doesn’t effect your INR
Pneumonia vaccine should now only be given once in a lifetime. I was accidentally given 2 a few years apart before being diagnosed with APS. No known symptom effects but was very sick after second shot for 48 hours.
Check with your Dr but no real reason to refuse in my view.