While in the hospital last month with a DVT in arm, my leg started feeling like it was getting a clot. ( superficial vein.) The doctor said we are giving you Lovenox sub cutaneous injections. It's all we can do anyway, so it doesn't matter. Once released- about two days later- this bruise happened exactly where pain had been.
Is this what happens with superficial vein clots? You can see bruise is right on that vein. Vein was very swollen.
I likely was also having little micro clots hit through kidneys at same time. My INR dropped to 1.9 during this time. I told the doctor. He blamed the hospital beds being uncomfortable. In fairness to him I also told him I had small ovarian cysts 6 months prior. I told him perhaps that was culprit of pain. After release from hospital ( A few days later) I had my gyno ultrasound ovaries. There were no signs of cysts. My body had reabsorbed them. She feels likely micro clots hit kidneys.
My Doppler scan showed " no blood flow " in area of clot of arm where DVT was. Also showed " thrombo phlebitis."
I felt like I was clotting in lots of places...the top of my other thigh was aching and it started bruising...you can see it. They never administered an actual heparin drip. They never called in a hematologist. So many mistakes were made. I had to call in the director of nursing and work with her to get the doctor to listen to me. She was lovely. She was going to have to doctor go through some course work. ( he was going to lower my warfarin and Lovenox - lower than what I entered hospital with...)