I have APS (actually most of my paternal family has APS). I'm curious about the posts mentioning Professor Khamashta advocating a gluten free diet. I'm not doubting it, only he was my doctor for a number of years, and I never heard him once mention it. I was also a private patient of his, and we had more time to talk, and again he didn't mention it. In his many articles I can't find mention of gluten
I am, however, intrigued, especially as I have raised levels of IgG antigliadin antibodies (indicating gluten sensitivity).
Therefore, could anyone who has heard Professor Khamashta firsthand talk about gluten tell me exactly what he said.
Just to end on two positive points:
1. APS with CVA, multiple cerebral infarcts, DVT, memory loss, migraines etc. Strong family history of early death (30s) from catastrophic APS, hospital visits all the time to St Thomas's, plus regular in-patient stays in my home town.
Warfarin plus hometesting machine plus five day a week vigorous exercise and diet has changed my life. I see a consultant for a once a year routine check now. No hospital stays / visits for over four years.
2. Anyone considering Professor Caroline Gordon and her team at the Lupus Centre of Excellence, City Road Hospital, Birmingham, would be wise to do so. Just excellent, sympathetic care, and she really goes after non-specialists who mess with her patients.