Has anyone taken and benefitted from bovine colostrum? Just read it's a supplement good for people with auto immune diseases. They take it from cows after feeding their calfs 1st feeding. It's supposed to help many health problems. Just wondering if anyone out there has tried it. Thanks
Bovine colostrum: Has anyone taken and... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Bovine colostrum

I would never drink that. Personally I think it is healthier for us with a little glass of redwine.
It's in a pill or powder for like a vitamin I would rather drink wine too still having terrible stomach issues though bloating and gas constantly would love to find some solution to that.thanks Kerstin .nice hearing from you.

I have heard it is supposed to boost the immune system, which is why I would avoid it in the same way as I avoid Elderberry extract and also Echinacea as when I have tried either of these, I have had a huge flare. I tend to plod along, with excellent nutrition, no gluten and a tried and tested set of supplements that work for me. MaryF
Thanks Mary. Guess just grasping at straws. Taking supplements and so far magnesium seems to have helped with constipation . Don't know about b 12th do or multivitamin but keep taking them anyway just can't get rid of bloating gas and stomach pain hope you and yours are well.
That's interesting Mary. Do you know that I had the start of my APS symptoms, at the beginning, after I had taken Echinacea. I wondered, later on, whether it can 'switch on' APS and other autoimmune conditions.
However, I love Yorkshire Curd Tarts, which are a speciality of the Pickering area, and are like a rich custard tart but with currants in them and are made from bovine colostrum.
I think Echinacea and Elderberry extract alter the white blood cell count, which is why in somebody with an over active immune system like ours probably has such a difficult response. I have a friend with almost identical conditions to myself and she had the same response to both the above.....ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/159...
I felt so ill each time I tried them.. MaryF
My sister and I both had our worst lupus like symptoms when we were living in Nashville, attending Vanderbilt University. Both of us saw our symptoms improve after we graduated. About a year ago I read online that those who have been diagnosed with lupus or who are strongly ANA positive should avoid eating alfalfa sprouts. Oh my goodness! The mental lightbulb came on and I grabbed the phone and called my sister. While we lived in Nashville we both shopped at a healthy food shop where we enjoyed their alfalfa sprouts which we always carefully added to our salads. In both of our cases, the sicker we felt the more stridently we purchased and consumed those alfalfa sprouts. After all, they were loaded with healthy nutrients so shouldnt that mean we should eat more to feel better?
Our Ah Ha! Moment. At last. ( I was toying around with the ridiculous notion that we were allergic to country music.)
I have a friend (non APS) who continually had bloating and digestive probs and she changed to a lactose free milk. Her symptoms only come back now with the occasional ice cream or full cream milk in a cafe coffee. Could be worth try.
Hi ozchick thus because cow's milks is made for calves , simple as that.I drink almond milk or soya or ricemilk muck more tolerable. Elfie
Hello Nanny 23.
Many years ago when my husband suffered from stomach ache and nausea and when indigestion remedies didn't help a lady recommended 'Slippery Elm.' It worked. If you haven't heard of it, it's a powder from health shops and you mix it with milk or water
(Looks like Horlics) It tastes bland but not unpleasant. It doesn't seem to have side effects and is gentle and soothing. Hope your stomach settles very soon.
Best Wishes. Sunigirl
Bovine colostrum passes on antibodies and immunity to baby cows, not necessarily beneficial to humans. Could be another crank fad so would be cautious.
Totally agree with red wine being more beneficial and enjoyable happy days.
There are so many people out there with undiagnosed food intolerances. A friend of mine, who began to have bloating and gas and other problems consulted with a brilliant GP. He sent to an allergist for some quick skin tests. A few scratches here, a few scratches there, and within a few hours she had the answer: egg allergy. The top food allergy offenders are: gluten, lactose, nuts, soy, eggs. You can do it do it yourself avoidance diet wherein you avoid all those things for 4 to 6 weeks and then reinstate them to your diet one at a time One week at a time. When the symptoms turn you've identified the culprit. But that is very difficult and takes a lot of time. But with symptoms of gas and bloating, this unqualified English major housewife from West Virginia, suggests exploring the possibility of a food allergy. Either the cheap long way, or the more accurate and faster way.
Great idea. I already get allergy shots for bad pollen dust and mold allergies. Next time I go I will ask him to test for food. Makes sense but it must be something I eat everyday. Cause my stomach aches are constant and get worse as day goes on. THANKYOU so much. Going to visit your area in April. The shandoah national park. Beautiful country Virginia. My husbands fathers family is from hope we'll.
Hi nanny 23 never never drink that.it's meant for calves and so is cow's milk .Elsie
Yes nanny 23 a good advice for food allergies! Since we r sisters and both have horrible allergies, it makes sense to check for food allergies! I never thought of that! Remember we are both a highly allergic to IV CONTRAST and Mango! Who else knows what else! We will have to c doc to see what food allergies we have!!! Lol... Dr. R right? Forgot his name?
Right on deb web. Sounds good to me we should have thought of that