Hi, I've been injecting heparin for about 3 months since I found out I was pregnant. I've been lucky enough to have very minimal bruising. However, last night I noticed a small lump under the skin near an injection site where there is a little bruise, it's about the size of a pea. I'm assuming it's related to the injecting. Is it because I'm using sites too close together to inject? I kind of do favour certain areas for the injecting, my right side is definitely easier! But I try to alternate as much as possible.
Pea sized lump under skin from hepari... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Pea sized lump under skin from heparin injection?

Yes I believe it's normal. Your lucky, mine are pretty big. My right side hurts less as well. Anyone else the same? Best Wishes to you.
Thanks Hughes-comrade! That reassures me. I try to inject slowly and count to 10 before pulling out the needle. Also found that sitting down is better than lying to inject. Funny that one side feels better than the other for injecting!
One other thing - I always wonder where the air bubble should be when injecting? I try to tap the needle so it comes out last. I don't think it has any impact on bruising, etc but did kind of wonder.

I used to get those, when injecting when pregnant, they do go away, just keep away from that area for a bit. MaryF
I inject twice daily and stopped using my tummy a long time ago as hard painful lumps became too uncomfortable, i use my hip areas and alternate there as there's more room and it hurts less..sometimes bruises come and sometimes they don't, no point worrying about it I say. X
Thanks for all the advice! Sounds like I've been lucky up to now to avoid these lumps. I think I did make it worse by prodding it though, must stay away from any future ones!!
When I was pregnant I had to do 4 injections a day. I got those little bumps all over. They go away after a while. I always switched up between my stomach and the back if my thighs. Also, the smaller the needle you use it seemed like I had less issues, so if you can get smaller guages I would try that.
Wow, 4 injections! You must have been pretty purple by the end with bruising. Thanks for the tip - the syringes I use are pre-filled so unfortunately the needle can't be changed. It seems to only happen in my left side though, I'm going to use my right until it calms down.
I have a pea sized lump beneath skin from clexane also. What happens to them, do they disappear on their own?
Mine do. But I can tell you if you inject slowly, then removed needle and apply direct pressure for good 20-30 seconds it won’t happen as often. Don’t rub, just pressure. Make sure to rotate sites too
Wait til ur tummy stretches and u can hardly find anywhere left to go! My baby used to kick really hard late in the pregnancy when I injected! She obviously didn’t like it!
Yeah try to vary sites as much as possible but u will get bumps and bruises.
Keep going ur doing well! I found if I pinched a lump of my skin quite hard it took away from the pain of injecting a bit!