Hello everyone,
I have recently been turned down for PIP despite being advised I would qualify for it. Had the assessment which was only short and all I was asked to do was stand on one leg and put my arms out in front of me. I answered the questions and I will say most things I am able to do. Getting dressed, preparing meals etc. However, due to my Mild Muscular Dystophy and having a pacemaker due to that condition I find doing physical things very tiring. I can walk a little distance but if I do too much walking or lifting etc I can get very tired. When I used to do P.E at school if I did too much I would be in bed for days resting. I told them all this and they say that someone like me does not qualify. I have since started a full time job last Monday as I was on Job Seekers, therefore had to apply for full time jobs despite my condition. This is in a bank in Birmingham and I'm finding it very difficult to cope. I have only ever been a teaching assistant working in schools and found that suited me more as shorter hours and school holidays off. I don't see what other choice I have other than to keep going and struggle on. I'm only 27 and find myself struggling with depression and not knowing where to turn. I have asked for a reconsideration on the PIP decision and that was turned down also. I have appealed and been told it will go to court. I have asked for assistance from a Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Officer and they will submit supporting information on my behalf. I'm not very hopeful I will win though. Any information or advice and what I could do would be very welcome.