Hello. I was diagnosed with APS a week ago. I am supposed to start taking Duphasatone (progesterone) because I did't have my period for 3 months. For APS I only take aspirin. Can I take progesteron if I have APS? I am sorry for my english. Enlglish is not my native language.
APS and progesterone : Hello. I was... - Hughes Syndrome A...
APS and progesterone
Bună ziua și bun venit, eu nu sunt sigur cât de bine "Google Translate" va lucra pentru mesajul meu pentru tine, dar eu va spun la tine, în primul rând, este foarte important să avem un medic profesionist invovled în îngrijirea dumneavoastră de sănătate care înțelege această boală complet . Veți vedea mai jos că am inclus unele lucrări medicale care provin din țara ta, deci ați putea crede, probabil, de a contacta spitale care au fost scrise ca acestea nu sunt incluse numele medicilor care au scris aceste informatii.
Este medicul dumneavoastră deplin instruit pentru a înțelege APS?
Hello and welcome, I am not sure how well 'Google Translate' will work for my message to you, but I will say to you, firstly, it is very important to have a professional doctor invovled in your medical care who understands this disease completely. You will see below that I have included some medical papers which originate from your own country, so you may think of perhaps contacting the hospitals where they were written as they do include the names of the doctors who wrote this information.
Is your doctor fully trained to understand APS?
Thank you for the answer.
I took a compounded progesterone cream for a few years while I was also being treated for APS. I had no problems.
HI, I am on both aspirin and progesterone, as well as, estrogen. I feel much better with the correct doses of everything. My Gyne is a specialist and is very careful and I am very lucky. Find good doctors!