Hi. This is my first time posting on the forum. I was diagnosed with primary APS about 8 years ago. I have been taking 75 mg aspirin daily. I had a recent igm level reading of 265 about 6 weeks ago. It was repeated 2 weeks ago and came back at just under 20.
I am wondering if anyone else has had such wildly fluctuating results?
I have been getting lost of visual disturbances too ( originally I thought it was due to a posterior vitreous detachment due to my being almost blind in that eye). As the flashing lights lights and floaters have not settled down after 6 years I am wondering if these symptoms are connected to the APS. In addition I am getting unbalanced and almost falling over but not feeling dizzy.
I wonder if I should ask my GP to review my aspirin dose to help with these symptoms.
Sorry for the long post.
Thanks in advance