Hya - i posted a while back about my hospital stay in May where my kidney was inflamed and my ureter was found to be thickened, I had my biopsy done and ended up back in hospital with clots in my kidney. I had the results today and although amyloids,and cancer was ruled out which is a huge relief im still no nearer to finding out what is actually causing it. Yet again im left with something going wrong but no answers and thus no treatment. My worry is like all the other symptoms and manifestations of auto immune disorders its going to be just another problem i have to put up with and try to get on each day living with it, and another long trek and many months round the system and more referrals before somebody takes ownership and even attempts to say what it is or begin to help. Deflated is a major understatement. Im not up to it all.
Im in london 12th Sept and my urologist is writing to st thomas' to get their opinion, so hopefully they will have an idea before i get there what needs to be done, but im feeling not very optimistic considering 2 doctors in london have taken over 5 months to speak to each other to decide what dose of hydrocoxochlrine i can start on - and who knows if theyd have started me on it would this have all happened in the first place with my kidneys, could it have been prevented??
A diagnosis of plyonephritis is still there )inflammation of the kidney) but it doesnt look typical of its usual presentaion (only one part of my kidney is inflamed not all of it) so theres more to it. My ureter is swollen like hes never seen before,but no answers in the blood or biopsy's,and my inflammation levels have come down in my blood. So im left with no clear diagnosis and none of the symptoms are typical of any disorder he knows about, only that hughes is usually an overlapping of more auto immune disorders involving connective tissue,and he thinks I have this and something else. Im so frustrated. I have a feeling im going to go to london and be told i need yet another referral to somebody else there which will take months,then the tests,then the results only to be told they cant make another diagnosis as nothing is showing up. in the meantime I have to put up with horrendous dizziness,nausea,weeing blood,pain and deal with two young children and a home,with very little energy. Sorry for the long one but very down xx