I think I my have one, off to sit and count ceiling tiles in casualty tomorrow! MaryF
Who has had a stress (march) fracture... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Who has had a stress (march) fracture to big toe or similar?
I've broken my 5th metatarsal on each foot, and I believe a 2nd metatarsal. Many hours looking at ceiling tiles, and a lot of hobbling. But not stress fractures. Tripping fractures. Feel better.
Take a book to read Mary. Hope you aren't in too much pain and don't need to wait too long.
I have a really sore finger and not sure why it is sore ...I can use it but it hurts like anything if I bump it or touch it so guess its not broken.
Last year I could hardly walk and thought I had broken something in my foot but it turned out to be a ganglion ...weird things happen with us.
I had a broken toe once from a jar of marmite falling on it!
I had it confirmed in A&E that it was broken, but nothing they could do
Just had to look silly going to work in sandals and flip flops in the middle of winter :/
I am talking about the sort of fracture that occurs with no acute injury, just happens without and accident, a march fracture, rather than an acute one, perhaps my post was not too clear. MaryF
Yes, I have had such a break. No dislocation and treatmentwas Rest Ice Compression Elevation.
I was initially suspecting this was related to Hughes, until I found I knew several people my age who had similar. And no, there seemed no casual observable corrolation with bone density either.
Currently I have a front to back pain on top of my right foot which my message therapist thinks is a bone out of alignment, probably as a result of scrunching up the toes on a steep, long downhill walk. You see, during my 2year hike hiatus my feet had spread and the previously comfortable hiking boots I wore ( 77 mikes through apScotland) were now too small. So yes, scrunching the foot avoided horrid looking bruised toes on the.right foot, ( though I have 2on my left) but I dislocated a bone. So. . . Message. Twice daily stretches with a rope around the toes, and walking in shoes ( that fit!) with more support.
So . . My knee and my hip like minimalist shoes. My foot likes support. I'll try to be fair and carry extra pairs with me in my pack.
Good luck. And I do hope you have a good funny book to read.
The mystery is solved, thank you everybody, hospital were great, they did say that stress fracture often did not show up on xray, however what did show up was the small broken toes I had done three weeks previously and mended with gaffer tape, congratulated for setting them in the right position, but had obviously without realizing walked on the other part of my foot and caused it to over compensate and inflame.... MaryF
Last year I had a series of torn tendons in foot, but continued to have pain in lower tibia bone, close to ankle. After MRI, I was diagnosed with 'stress reaction injury' to the tibia--slight fracture with no known cause. I don't know if it has anything to do with the APS which I wasn't even aware that I had then.
Hi Mary -- glad you have gotten that fixed--- feet are so sensitive , a pain in the BUTT when we have problems with them .Haven't forgot about our research - just everything that can go wrong has -- newest is i am having bad muscle spasms again and this is going to open a big can of worms ---- i have been free of them for the last year and now of all places for them to come back is my legs {which has been all the trouble the last 3 months starting with the bi-opsy gone wrong } This could be a major set back for my surgeries.. O well glad you are the road to recovery
Casey sends a lick and a wag --- me just a big hug my friend