Hello all, I just wanted to thank everyone that has wished us luck with this pregnancy and for all the kind words that have been exchanged. However we received bad news today. This morning I started bleeding. Got sent to hospital for a scan and sadly, there was no heartbeat. Myself and my partner are absolutely devastated, What caused this, we do not know. But we are not giving up. When the time is right we will start trying again. Thanks again everyone. xoxoxo
Update... ):: Hello all, I just wanted... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Update... ):

So sorry to hear your sad news. Hope things get better for U in the future xx

Hi there, my heart goes out to you, I am sorry about your devastating news, please rest and draw your family and friends close to you and allow yourself time to recover, so many on here have been through similar and it does help I know to have that solidarity with other women. MaryFx
I'm really sorry to hear your news Please never give up hope.....talk to other ladies on here that have gone through what you are going through....get strength in knowing many of them now have little ones......keep strong hunny.
Take care & keep in touch x
Sorry to hear your news you are in my thoughts, I misscaried a year ago and have Lupus and APS too, it's hard to accept it all sometimes. Take time to look after yourself and I hope you get some comfort from this forum as I have, knowing that others understand. I often read though the sucessful pregnancy posts on here to know that one day it will happen. Take care x
I'm very sad to read this. I went through the same thing. If you need any advice or someone to talk to please message me. When you are ready to try again I can recommend a good specialist. Look after yourself x
I can't begin to imagine how devastated you both must feel at the moment. I am so sorry for your loss. I have never had the misfortune or heartache of experiencing the loss of a child, but when my husband died I found the love and support of family and friends helped me to heal a little more each day xxx
This condition we all live with is crap! I'm so sorry with what's happend I lost a child so I know how your feeling. It's crap crap crap! Take care of your self. God bless. X
So sorry to here your sad news, but it's great that you are staying so positive. When the time is right it will happen!!! Wishing you all the luck in the world with your next pregnancy (when you decide it's time to try again) x x x
So sorry to hear your bad news. Sending you gentle hugs and much love.
I'm really sorry about that! ! My heart and thoughts are with you at the moment.
All the best. xxx
My heart goes out to you, I've been through the same and it truely is a horrible thing to experience. Take time and allow yourself to grieve. God bless. Claire
I am so sorry! I do not know what to say.......... Take good care of eachother.
Kerstin in Stockholm