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Happy happy happy

19 Replies


Sometimes I find that it can be easy to let this illness run away with you but please remember that a positive outlook is crucial for recovery and state of mind. For me, that pretty much involves being outside with my friends and my animals. But I have also trained myself to notice the great things around me. This concious noticing started for me when I was on dialysis and dying (to be frank), I didn't think I was going to live to see my transplant operation. One night I closed my eyes to go to sleep and decided that enough was enough, I wasn't going to come back.

Thankfully, my body had other ideas. I was a bit embarrassed that I had given up so easily but after that decided that I really needed to enjoy life, no matter what state I was in! So, I try to end everyday by listing three things that I am thankful for / make me happy / <insert your own ideas here>. Don't feel that they need to be big profound things, there will be some big, profound days but others when a song comes on and you have a little dance in the kitchen making you grin from ear-to-ear. It doesn't take long for your views to alter slightly and you get more joy from smaller things... To get you started, here are a few things that make me happy / grateful:

Tea - preferably with chocolate biscuits

My dogs and their utter joy in an old tennis ball

Seeing part of a sign and it saying something else

the sunshine, spring is coming to England and the cherry blossom is beautiful

A pair of socks i own that make it look like you're wearing trainers

my colleague waving at me across the office

being able to walk / skip / run / ride horses

TED talks - it's so easy to learn something new everyday

Blue skies

Wrapping up in a duvet

The wonders of modern technology, the fact that medicine has advanced so much

A lie-in

Horses - anything, everything to do with them but mostly the connection I have with mine

Photo slideshow thing on my computer and the memories that flood back

Someone asking my advice.....

The lists go on, obviously. Please feel free to share your positive thoughts, I'd love to hear from you - what makes you smile on the inside?

The important thing is that only a tiny amount of your time every day can lead to massive changes in your outlook on life. Here's a couple of websites that have some cracking ideas too:



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19 Replies

Thanks Tasch - couldn't agree more. Positive thinking and less worrying works for me - it's a matter of training the brain and patterns of thinking. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is really helpful for people with long-term conditions if anyone is really struggling.

It's my birthday today and I feel very blessed that a) I've made it to 45 and b) I don't feel it :) But seriously, I do feel blessed to be alive - things that make me happy:

My family, especially my husband. I miss my dad, but was lucky to have a dad like that

My friends - all of them and they're an eclectic mix :)

Our cat - even when he does kill everything in sight and bring live birds into the house

Plants/garden/spring bursting out

Books - lots of them!

Laughing and sharing food

Walking out in the countryside - am climbing Ben Nevis this year with friends, yikes!

British sense of humour - often found on train journeys etc

Could go on and on - thanks for your post :) xx

in reply to

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Ka-ate

Happy birthday to you!!

Ooooo - Ben Nevis and a big birthday (I think they are all big now for us!!!), what an exciting year... just think of the cakes.... happy days. thanks for replying! Tx xx

MaryF profile image
MaryFAdministrator in reply to

Happy Birthday, have a great day. MaryF x

Manofmendip profile image
Manofmendip in reply to

Hi Kate

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Ka-ate

Happy birthday to you!!

Best wishes for a great birthday.

Dave xx

MaryF profile image

Thank you, I have a total zest for life and feel over excited by most things, I am lucky to have a great family and a dreadful sense of humour which sees me through any situation I land in. All the best to you.

I also have some pretty hilarious and fab friends, old and new, also my love of playing live music and also being married to probably the most hilarious and clever man in the world - lucky me!

MaryF x

in reply to MaryF

I can confirm both the zest for life and the awful sense of humour!! Thankfully I have the same afflictions... Thanks for joining in.

Lexi_Img profile image
Lexi_Img in reply to MaryF

Thanks Mary

purdy30 profile image

Thanks for your inspiring post. You are so right about a positive outlook. My life has improved massively since the APS was diagnosed as the warfarin and Plaquenil have made me feel like a new women - much less brain fog and more energy. Anyway, little things for me are

My horses - just having a cuddle with them everyday takes any stresses away and now I'm feeling better I am riding more (not that the Dr. is happy with that!!)

A job that keeps me inspired (and allows me to pay for my horses!!)

Walking my lovely staffies

A few days away last week in Northumberland - the coast, hills and castles are awe inspiring!


My great mates and family

A good book

Still being able to have a glass of wine!

I've also decided to try and get over my fear of flying and travel/explore the world more - my partner is thrilled and has booked us a trip to Santorini later this year. Just got to get that passport....

Happy Birthday KateH!

in reply to purdy30

Just the word "horse" makes me feel better... I totally understand where you are coming from. I ride dressage and show jumping (sadly less hacking as my boy has retired). the doctors told me to give up when I was first diagnosed but I refused and have since proved a few times that it is crucial to have something to live for.

Wine - I can't believe wine didn't make my list!!

Thanks so much for playing along and sharing your happy thoughts.

jetjetjet profile image

Happy Birthday Kate- From across the pond ---Thanks so much Tasch-- Have i told you recently how nice it is to have you back !!!! :-) :-) :-) -

My Angel Jess has been on me since Mary Died about trying to be positive -- She like yourself would go to the little simple things in life --Ex. my morning cup of breakfast !!!! hazel nut coffee with my meds in it !!!!!! :-) She worked for this company that is called { I am grateful to you } The spiral of gratitude. it is all along the same things in life of which you speak of . you should check them out on the net .. They have jewelry pins etc,. Happy happy joy joy .. 0 by the way have i told you how wonderful to have you back .. We will share you as long as everyone else does :-) :-) :-) You buddy and also your biggest FAN in the state ME 1111 have a superfabulous day

in reply to jetjetjet


It is wonderful to see you using such positive language... and Jess is totally right about the small things, they make the world of difference! Hazelnut coffee with your meds... you sound positively spoilt! (haha might be trying that one myself!). I had a look for the company you mentioned but couldn't find it. I will have a better look when I'm not sitting at my work computer!!

But my grateful thing for the moment is a bit odd but you might be able to understand what I mean. I just got a text message from my wonderful dog-walker (because I'm out the house for 12 ish hours a day for work) telling me that it looked like it might rain so she's locked them back in the house... she is utterly fabulous and I know i don't have to worry about them, they are so well looked after! (that, and I have an earl-grey cupcake that I made waiting for me at home!!)

I hope you have a good day - i read that it started pretty early today!

Take care

Tx xx

Zezes-nan profile image

Thanks Tasch, as many others have send it helps to stay positive doesn't it

Belated Birthday greetings to KateH

GinaD profile image

Oh, pity me, . Pity me!

Just took a relative who no longer drives to the doctor, which happens to be down the street from my favorite coffee shop. So here I sit, with a wonderful classical orchestration of Sting's "I'll be watching you, " sipping a latte with a beautiful heart sculpted on the top, with the entire Internet available on my notebook ( free wi fi!) plus a book with me. Outside the sun is shining, I plan to buy and plant some pansies today, but for now? AllI I can do is sip my delicious coffe,( oh! They're playing". Fur Elise" now!" ) and read and converse with all you lovely people.

But, as I said earlier, pity me, I have a conundrum. Aware that my desires will have no influence on the speed of that doctor's appointment --but should I feel guilty for wishing her a very long wait before she sees the doctor?

in reply to GinaD

Gosh, that sounds wonderful, just a cupcake short of heaven!!

Lexi_Img profile image

My husband and grandchildren. My girls I have three. I have the opportunity to watch my very good friends dog, and can help her while her new hip heals. The opportunity to be retired and mostly get to rest when I need too.

in reply to Lexi_Img

sounds lovely - keep smiling! Tx xx

Suzypawz profile image

Good On ya Tasch it is very easy just to give up...I've had a lot on over last year or two.....but I have my boys, good family, friends & my pet's.......they keep you going....oh & coffee!! ;-)

I've lost a lot of my pet's recently & this is taking a toll On me right now....but I'll get through it?

Keep strong lovely lady xx

in reply to Suzypawz

oh Suzy, my heart goes out to you. It's been two years since I lost my puppy to kidney failure. I still say hi to him when I walk past his viewpoint. It's awful but it gets easier. honestly. Take care and take it easy. Tx xxx

Lexi_Img profile image

So sorry about your loss. I lost two bassett hounds to cancer awful. It will get better to where you can remember those happy times with a smile.

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