Hi all,
Have been diagnosed with Hemiplegia Migraines and my Neurologist is now telling me to see a hematologist to have further testing. Thank you to Lynn and other members for responding to me previously with very valuable data and also the name of a APS doctor near me in Northern KY. (Dr. Winkleman) I will be reaching out to his office tomorrow. My question for you is that I do need further testing. Presently I have been told the following:
single phospholipid-dependent assay is positive The IgG, IgM and IgA
anticardiolipin antibody titers were all negative.
The laboratory findings are
indeterminate, but a lupus anticoagulant should can not might excluded. Suggest rechecking a lupus anticoagulant panel on a new
specimen in 12 weeks to evaluate further.
My symptoms are the following:
1) horrible migraines w/aura (hemiplegic)seizures
2) problem pregnancies
3) Factor V Leiden
4) Fibro
5) Thyroid Disorder
Can you be positive for APS with this blood work? Has anyone out there had similar results? We are going to be looking into other past blood work to see if I have been tested for this before.
Any feedback would be extremely welcomed as I have been suffering now for over 4 plus years and my present medications are not working at all. My pain levels due to headaches are horrible!
Thanks so