I have lost my best friend in the world today- my roomate of 25 years has passed- she saw me thru all my problems with this disease which we call life-- at my side thru thick and thin- my many bad days- my many good days -- my friend Sheena had the opportunity to have made her a friend. a friend that knew no bounderies. not a more sincere friend could be had in this world .she worried for me so much .right up till her passing she was so much more concerned with me , more than herself. for this i will ever be thankful. so i ask a simple favor-- a prayer ---a thought-my life now has made a radical change that will never be made whole again.i will be going thru some real rough times in the time to come.there is a hole in my heart that will never see a mend.I may be absent for a while,as i try to put my life back together.I also have some more problems in the next few weeks that i am not looking forward to. But that is a part of our lives . I ask a prayer and or maybe a thought for my friend i loved so dearly. I am going to need all the support i can get .i only wish you all could of know Mary-she was a light in anyones lives that ever had the pleasure to have know her. the last week has been hell. it's a horrible feeling to to feel so helpless to help someone you love so much. Thank you , it's late , and i have a hurt heart.--------------------------------- jet
A MAJOR LOSS: I have lost my best... - Hughes Syndrome A...

Hi Jet,
Im so sorry to hear of your sad news, a prayer and a thought is never to much to ask, it is done with love and best wishes to you. Taking care of yourself is very important at any time, and this moment is no different, take it hour by hour.

Hi there, sorry life is tough and mean currently good wishes and a strong vibe coming over the water to you from me. Mary F x
Hi hon,
So sorry, a precious, beautiful soul has gone, one that will be sorely missed, thinking of you n her family! Talk later, when you're ready.
Love n big gentle hugs Sheena xxxxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss Jet. Both you and Mary are in my thoughts. Sending you love and hugs from here InSpain xxx
Love and prayers for you jet. So so sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to grieve. Take care. X
Your in my thoughts Jet my heart feels for you 25yrs is a long long time, you must have been so very close.
Your poor heart must be so heavy & we all feel your pain.
I shall pray for your dear friend Mary you are both in my thoughts. Jillymo xxx
So sorry to hear of your loss x
my heart goes out to you as I know how devastating it is to loose someone so dear after 25 years. (my husbad died 3 years ago) and I know kind words can eases the pain but never takes it away. You never stop thinking of them but then a day will come when thinking about them puts a smile on your face because thinking about them means they never ever leave you. Be kind to yourself and take care xx
Hoping you will soon find peace in your heart and you will be able to be still in your grief.all the cleaning and doing wont help how your body is feeling xx think what would your friend would tell you to do ..Im sure it would be look after yourself and don't over do things .sending you much love at this very sad time xx be kind to yourself xx
Take care of yourself my thoughts are with you x
So sorry for your loss. Sending loads of prayers and warm thoughts.