Guys I asked last week about travel insurance, and you all said I should declare... And I've called a few companies , and they won't cover me as I am yet undiagnosed, now I could lie, and say I'm not under investigation, ( which i am ), but i do not want to jinx anything... But I do not want to travel without sufficient cover.... Feeling a bit anxious now! Help!!!
Problems with travel insurance - Hughes Syndrome A...
Problems with travel insurance

OK, I travelled to Northern Cyprus last year - (Not in EU) I am diagnosed, and have other problems, I could only get one quote which was £750 for the trip which cost me more that my trip!! so I went uninsured - however, had I got sick I would of got friends to drive me to the south which is in the EU - I now know I can't get the insurance, so may take cruises, less risk than flying although all my docs are happy for me to fly as covered with warfarin and if need be heparin as well.
I have had reasonable quotes in the past few years from a company in Guildford:
13-21 High Street, GUILDFORD GU1 3DG.
Tel: 0845 839 9345 Fax: 01483 569676
I disclosed everything to them, including APS & open heart surgery.
Best wishes.
I use freedom travel. Recomended by Lupus uk. A bit more expensive, but better to be safe I feel.
Thanks guys..... Could not do without your help! Sarahx
Mmm - "under investigation" could cause up problems with all of the companies mentioned here and on the HSF website. Insurers will all hesitate to cover anyone who is awaiting results or tests - it's just that you're the unknown so therefore too much of a risk to them.
Try ones like Columbus or Freedom as they specialise policies for people with pre-existing medical conditions so might be more flexible on the "under investigation" heading.
Good luck!
I am due to go to Cyprus in June and have taken out insurance with Travellers Health Check, their website is
I declared APS and SLE and my additional premium was £29.00, this was on top of the initial payment of £45.00 for 2 adults and 1 child.
They were very helpful and good to deal with too.
Best of Luck