I'm not to sure how to start this off, but I was diagnosed with HIV back in 2015 and have been on medication for a little while now. There have been times where its felt like a roller coaster, but I must say that along with anxiety and depression that you may probably feel. Trust me with the right support things will improve. Your doctors, clinicians, therapists, etc. They are all there at your disposle. But so am I. I have been through a lot in life, not just being diagnosed with HIV. What I can offer though is being so young (21), that I'm just a message away. I have helped out many of people go through a lot. including emotions, anxiety and just accepting their status. I know it may seem tough and you may seem alone, but you are honestly aren't!!
If you ever need any guidance or help. Just drop me a line, I am always willing to help people out.