Iv been taking bisoprolol for skipped heartbeats which has worked well but still get the odd episodes. Iv just recently realised that the day before I have my period I get these palpitations throughout the day and not sure if maybe it's a hormonal thing that brings them on (along with the heart condition). I also have a mirena coil and not sure if this plays a part. Any others ladies out there who experience the same??
Female skip beat discovery - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Female skip beat discovery

Frequently got palpitations pre period.... long time ago now! Assumed it was part of pmt but also as your body swells there is probably some pressure on that troublesome vagus nerve. Just another of those extra issues for women!

Hello and thank you for sharing your post on the Forum. Everyone is different and in particular female hormones can have an effect on the body at certain times of the month. I would advise keeping a 'diary of events' and record when these 'episodes' are happening to build up a record to share with your doctor. Is the Bisoprolol a newly prescribed medication? You may be interested in downloading the 'drug treatment for heart rhythm disorders' for further information about the beta blocker; api.heartrhythmalliance.org...
If so, then please do not hesitate to contact your doctor for advice. Alternatively, please contact a member of our Patient Services: heartrhythmalliance.org/aa/...
Kind regards
Thankyou, Iv been on bisoprolol for about six months now and have just started logging any beats, to be there I'm not suffering witth them too badly at the moment touch wood
Hi Spammy 123 Like you, I have been taking Bisoprolol from 2017 and I am now on a high dose of 7.5mg. Unfortunately, like you, I do get episodes with raised pulse rate. On a few occasions I had to go to A&E to have my Troponin level checked.
I hope that helps.
Best wishes
Thanks for your reply hope everything is OK with you. What is troponin??