I’m 35 Mum of three and I’m at the wits end . Iv been diagnosed with ectopic beats and SVT there completely ruining my Quality of life . I was in Bisoprolol but didn’t work . Just into 3rd day of Flecainide no change . I would so love a night sleep the ectopics really are bad at night some nights they are constant . There so frightening I wonder at times if I’ll make it though the night . Please could anyone share there experiences would be much appreciated. Many thanks .
Does Flecainide work on stopping ecto... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Does Flecainide work on stopping ectopics beats

Michelle, I understand what you're going through. I'm 43 and I got the same diagnosis when I was 18. It's freaking scary, but it's a vicious cycle because you're anxiety makes it worst. My suggestion is to get control of your anxious thoughts before they start controlling your life. Your heart is a tough muscle and it won't stop because of your palpitations (although we think we'll get a heart attack at any moment and you won't), but if you let your mind trick you, you won't enjoy the quality of life you're speaking of. The meds will work once you start easing your anxiety. Try CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), it taught me how to control my thought patterns and palps. Let me know how you feel in a week.
Thank you so much for your reply really does help here from other people ,
I’m back to doctors this morning I had such a bad night of my heart completely racing really fast and slowing down then spending up again and having lots and lots of ectopic beats in between .
You’re completely right about anxiety . Seems to be vicious circle .
I’ve tried CBT in the past didn’t really help much .
I’m thinking I may had a reaction to medication.
What do you take ? Hope you don’t mind me asking
Many thanks
Diltiazem for about 10 years now. It doesn’t “remove” palpitations, but it helps avoiding the heart to work hard. We get to be very conscious about our heart, so another thing that helps when yo hear you heart racing is to stop it by breathing by your nose, retaining for above 4 seconds and exhale. It sounds silly, but it works! Continue doing it until you feel your heart is not racing anymore. Also, you have to go through different meds before finding the right one. I had tried different beta blockers before Diltiazem and this being the longest with a medication. Good luck with the doctor!
Hi bel_hope, I've recently been prescribed diltiazem for SVT, which I haven't had since Feb so it seems to be working well. The ectopic beats are still happening quite a bit, I think I need to learn to accept them, it's hard to get your head around though. Before October last year my heart was "normal" as far as I was aware! Can I ask did the diltiazem reduce the ectopics for you? I'm on 180mg sustained release.
I take the same dosage. It did, but if I’m anxious nothing can stop them. I had an echo recently because I felt my heart was going to burst. Everything came back fine, so they stopped. I believe it’s a mental thing because the doctor said many people get them, but they just don’t pay attention. We, in the other hand become obsessed with our heart rhythm. I believe medication works as long you believe it will. Just hang in there and live your life one day at a time. I’m just thankful that SVT’s are treatable.
Hello Michelle - it's a horrible feeling waking up to ectopic beats and not being able to sleep because of them. I found that they were worse after I'd had a coffee or an alcoholic drink. Also, they seemed to be worse after bigger meals. I have now cut coffee from my diet altogether, and have a cup of Relax tea before bed time. This seems to be working at the moment anyhow. Difficult to know whether it's a coincidence. All the best.
Thank you for your reply brilliant appreciate that .
I’ve tried cutting out all caffeine doesn’t really seem to make much difference .
I completely agree with you after a big meal though I seem to get lots of ectopics after a big meal .
People ask me if my babies get me wake all night I wish that was the Case .
Hope the relaxing tea continues to help
Michelle, did you try magnesium? It is 4 months now - no skipping beats . And it was terrible.
8-10 per minute.
can I ask how much magnesium you take?
Iv heard that these can help going to try it . Thank you xx
Hi Michelle, I am so sorry you are going through this. I get random bouts of SVT and my heart will go up to about 200 bpm for several minutes. It is so frightening, and I even get nervous about thinking about it. PVC's and PAC's randomly, sometimes just a few a day, and sometimes a few a minute and will go that way on and off for a week or two... I have had this for many years and I am 40 now. I agree with the first response about being able to deal with your thoughts, and also the breath work. Breathe in slowly and deeply for 4 seconds, hold for 3, and out for 7 or 8... Good luck : )
Mine started at 28,I,m now 71. When I first got the ectopics it made my life hell, I had 3 young children to take care of. Over the years they have been worse on eating a big meal,after I have eaten nowadays and anxious situations also I cut out caffeine. I now have Svt. I was on bisoprolol but it made me feel awful, I’ve been giving the option of an ablation.

Thank you for sharing your story .
The ectopic beats really do take hold of your life .
I struggled to do day today routines at times due to my heart in constant palpitations mode .
Everyone is saying the same things about feeling them more after food .
Iv had two ablations for SVT one successful .
With SVts seems to be over with within an hour or so but ectopics can go on for days , months .
Yes been there many times over the years. Often think I’m not gonna make it.
Hi Michelle. First of all, I suffer from AF & SVT. I've had it for around 12 months now (aged 66) My HR can be around 150 to 160 when it happens. There is such a lot of people who suffer from anxiety connected to this issue so I fully understand where you're coming from. For over 38 years I've been a Hypnotherapist and once diagnosed I took a dose of my own medicine. When it first happened to me, of course, It triggered off anxiety and it's the not knowing whats happening that got to me. I'm an expert at helping people lower/clear their anxiety levels and its done without using Hypnosis. I will put a link on here for anyone to give it a try.. Its a completely FREE download. No catches whatsoever. COMPLETELY FREE. All instructions are with it. So its worth a try. Let me know how you get on with it, please. wwwmwhypno.co.uk The FREE download is on my homepage. Kind Regards Mike.
They really can be awful can't they. I find them so difficult to deal with. I've just been offered flecainide and am considering daily dose -v- pill in pocket approach, I would have hoped that after 3 days you would see some relief? I do hope things improve. An update would be good to hear.
hi, would love to know if you started Flecanaide and how you’ve found it? Thanks!
Afternoon. I've taken Flecanide 3 times now as a 'pill in pocket'. The first one (50mg) I cut in half in case I had any horrible symptoms (I'm a chicken!) and on the other two occasions took the correct dose. On both of these occasions I did notice some improvement in the ectopics which frankly are ruining my quality of life. On that basis I am leaning towards going back to GP with a view to taking the tablet daily. I already have the medication but have been directed by the EP at my hospital to have an ecg when I start and then again 5 days later. I was so relieved when I noticed the ectopics had improved and feel this might well be the right route for me. They have been particularly bad since a recent vaccination but of course this could be coincidence. Either way I hope to find some relief!! If you like I can update further. Thanks for your response. BTW dosage suggested is low to what I can gauge on here - 50mg once a day. Therefore I assume it could be increased if necessary.