I notice that my Afib or ectopics always happen not when i'm exercising or active but when I'm sitting down and thinking, watching something or talkin to someone with "emotional intensity" plus I'm very tired. I guess that could be the triggers then right? Like high tide emotional intensity which causes a surge of adrenaline in my blood which causes my heart to go off rhythm for a few seconds until I breath myself out of it. Also is it possible to have such a short Afib attack, if you are talking, talking, talking and are not taking the time to breath properly. Could that be a way to remove the additional CO2 that builds up to restore the 02 balance in your blood. I notice when I'm talking( I talk a lot for my business) and have an active social life but sometimes forget to breath as well properly and hence get winded after hours and hence I might have an Afib eposide. It's almost like it's correcting the CO2 build up and removing it. This also happened to me last year when I was watching Apocalypto and I was so intensely into this one scene as if I was already there. Appreciate if you can quickly just give me your 2 cents. Omar from Toronto, Canada
Has anyone experienced Afib/Ecoptics ... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
Has anyone experienced Afib/Ecoptics when you're watching something intense like an action movie or speaking about something with emotion?

Hi Omar, I understand just what you are saying. I believe it's tied up with anxiety ( even if you don't think you're anxious...) and forgetting to breathe properly! All the factors you've mentioned can trigger an AFib episode. You are aware of this so I guess the answer is to avoid getting over tired and maybe speak more slowly, taking time to breathe in a more measured fashion.
Maybe someone else can give you a more scientific explanation . My reply is just based on my experience with an extremely long history of Afib !
The three main rules in my book for minimising or complete eradication of afib/ectopic pre or post ablation are,Meditation
No alcohol
No caffeine.
Emotion in conversation can cause afib resulting in low oxygen level with breathlessness.
The danger with afib is the left ventricle doesn't clear properly and the uncleared blood can clot.
Try the three rules!
Hope you feel better soon.
Oh hell yeah. Most of my issues started a good few years ago now after I had a really stressful time and had very stressful friends on the phone with highly emotional mental illness issues. It was so stressful ...I digabosed myself with adrenal fatigue which isnt a thing for the medical world until it gets really bad. And I feel like I got on top of it. I had to avoid not just stress but excitement so no watching orange is the new black...I literally watched all of highway to heaven which is so non stressful. And I also did walking with intermittent sprints of very short duration which is supposed to be good because but creates stress but it completes the cycle of stress and brings you back down in the end. Whereas sitting down watching stressful stuff works you up but doesn't work you down..I also turned off my phone calls late in the evening...dumped my mentally I'll friends who I was not equipped to be dealing with their issues and turned the lights down on my screen. I also took nettle seeds and ate a lot more salt which I had been avoiding... I did a good few diet changes like tried different things and supplements but the main thing for me WS realising that my body was revving up my mind like a car that's out of gas trying to rev the last fumes out of the engine if that makes sense. And once I realised my body was trying to wind my mind up to squeeze the last bit of adrenaline out of my overwhelmed system I was able to stop myself from doing exciting things. ...a bit like if you haven't eaten and you drink more coffee and more coffee and really you've no fuel in the system. And just trying to flog a dead horse I to action. So yeah I just stopped everything exciting did my walks and runs when I felt a rush of adrenaline instead of sitting there revvibg the car I'd spin it round the block to replensish the battery (OK my brain makes simple stories for me to undetatand all that I read about it but I didn't read a lot at the time) and after a year of doing that I had hugely improved....I still have a heart flutter or something but I also got into bad habits over the last year ..not excersising not eatung well worrying about things I can't do anything about like the news. So I've turned all the news off etc...as my american friend says " drama away!!" And I notice more and more I've let the habit creep up again ..worrying thoughts overdoing it late into the night after I've got tired. Pushing it too far basically. Good luck.
Happens to me too. When I’m chattering w a group of friends and laughing, I can feel “wobbly”. (Not that I’ve been w a group of friends lately! 😢) Actually happened yesterday as I was simply talking w my husband. Taking a few deep, slow breaths usually gets me back on track. Exercise helps me a lot. Love good hard workouts on my new treadmill. Have seen lots of improvement in the 3 months I’ve had the treadmill.

Hello - thank you for your post,. It is quite possible that the episodes are presenting themselves more during anxious times and whilst exercising. You may find our 'A F Factfile' will be helpful in providing an overview of AF and advice on managing your symptoms. If these symptoms persist then please do not hesitate to speak to your Dr for further medical advice.
Seek my post to Gracietiger above.
Hi Omar - same here - good to know wasn’t just me phew! It’s worse if I’m having a full day of ectopic & AF. Good advise given in your replies here! The idea of stress cycle was interesting. Meditation massively helps me but just takes a bad night’s sleep, not enough water & rubbish food & I have an excited chat I’m straight back there! Will be deep breathing from now. Good luck hope things improve 😀