what is the effect on hard exercise ( cycling up a steep hill) when taking beta blockers ie Sotalol. ?
beta blockers: what is the effect on... - Heart Rhythm Diso...
beta blockers

It just helps to keep the heart rate down, I use my exercise bike twice a day.
Depends on the dosage the drug and the intensity of the exercise. I am a lifelong endurance athlete. If you are the kind of person who takes a brisk walk or goes on a short 30 minute bike ride the effects are nominal. Doing the amount of training I do, its totally brutal. It also depends on the medication. I was taking Labetlol 100 mg once a day and it was impossible to train. Running 5-6 miles totally brutal, riding for 1-3+ hours totally brutal. It was so bad I stopped taking the drugs and suffer the consequences. I was diagnosed with svt and just recently Afib...They gave me Metoprolol 25 mg once a day. I split the tablet and take half, I find I can manage the symptoms of the drug and it makes working out tolerable.