My hormones history is very long, so I won'tgo into great detail , but I had a hysterectomy (everything gone) about 16 years ago. I did fine on 1 mg oral estradiol for about 8 years.
About 8 years later, I crashed badly with every menopausal symptom. The worse being the psychological ones. Not one doctor was able to help me. They just kept trying all kinds of antidepressants and still no relief. I am currently on Adderall because I was diagnosed ADHD. i never struggled with ADHD symptoms before, so not really sure about that. But,it keeps me functioning.
Last simmer I saw a GYN and she increased my estrogen to 2 mg oral. i tried all the transdermals and they didn't work well fir me. I felt much better after about 7 weeks, but the ADHD symptoms did not go away. So, out of frustration, I went to a Natropath to see if he could help. He talked me into changing my estrogen to a compounded cream and added progesterone and testesterone cream. About 5 weeks later, I crashed hard again.
I put myself back on the oral estrogen and felt some relief pretty quickly. I went to another GYN who thought maybe a bump to 2.5 mg of oral estrogen and a little testosterone would help with the lingering symptoms. Well, since the increase in estrogen, each week has gotten worse and worse with anxiety. I am now at 6 weeks and the anxiety and mood swings are awful. I requested a low dose of Wellbutrin until I get this sorted out. My GYN is not responding to my phone calls. So, this morning I dropped back down to 2 mg oral to see if I am just overdosed on estrogen. I hope that relieves the anxiety. The first week on 2.5 mg was wonderful! I was so productive abd calm, but by the 2nd week, things quickly went downhill and ate continuing to go downhill.
Has anyone else found themselves taking too much estrogen? I am not getting the medical support I need, so trying to figure out what my body is trying to tell me. I need some relief from this anxious feeling.