Hi all. Thought I would update you how my op went on Saturday 20th August. I had TLH and BSO and extensive adhesiolysis as everything was covered in adhesions, they couldn't see my uterus when first went in, pouch of Douglas was completely obliterated and both Fallopian tubes were blocked all due to the adhesions. There might have been an endometrioma on the left ovary but waiting for results of pathology to find out.
I went down for op at 8.30, op took 3.5 hours and then 1.5 hours in recovery before back to hospital room. Was very tired for rest of day, slept ok at night, had drain and catheter out first thing next day and then started gradually moving around and eating a bit and going to toilet. They said I could go home that day but I felt I needed another night just to make sure as I had a 1 hour journey to cope with. Came home next day after having shower at midday (after they had sorted my paperwork, medication etc out). Journey home was uncomfortable and yucky taste in mouth but pillow for tummy helped. Managed to climb upstairs and then stayed there rest of day getting up to use the upstairs bathroom and get myself drinks of water (this helped me keep myself moving at the same time as making sure I had plenty to drink). Next few days I just tried to move around the house a bit more each time.
9 days post op and getting around house well and yesterday did a walk around the block for about 10 minutes and today just been out for 15 minutes and feeling ok, legs feel bit weak but generally ok. Still got funny taste in my mouth so taste buds for food not back yet, still weak but getting better each day with walking. Before op I suffered from IBS diarrhoea (sorry tmi) and so my bowels are taking time to get back to normal still but overall feeling ok. Doing bit of washing up and folding laundry and preparing food for meals but having to remember not to pick up heavy things. Will continue to do a bit more each day but listen to my body if I do too much.
Things I suggest for anybody having op are peppermint tea for wind, eye mask and ear plugs, big pants so waistband not on incisions, pillow for journey home on tummy under seatbelt, drink plenty and then listen to your body, move around when you can but rest if you need to.
All the very best to anybody having this op soon including. Broderskim39 KA410