I really like roast Sunday dinners. My favourite is pork belly .Has anybody anything good to say about it?
Dodgy eating: I really like roast Sunday... - Healthy Eating
Dodgy eating

I can only say dodgy maybe, but delicious and like most things fine in moderation now and again.

Everything in moderation! I cook pork belly very slowly over a rack so that it doesn't sit and absorb the fat. Much as I love the crunchy crackling, I only have a small piece, both for the sake of my teeth and also to avoid extra fat. Look for very lean pork belly which will help. Compensate with lots of veg and if you have this as a treat, avoid any other fat few days.
I love belly pork! I'm trying to keep to low carb, so nothing wrong with belly pork as far as I'm concerned. I just do without the roast potatoes and parsnips that might normally go alongside and have mostly green veg instead. The fat from the pork satisfies my appetite so don't feel hungry without the starch.
The worst thing about belly pork would be down to the way you cook it, i.e. whether you marinate with a sweetened barbeque sauce. There is nothing wrong with the fat.
Sounds great just make sure it's a good bit of meat, cooked well and pile the plate high with steamed vegetables and you're good to go! Enjoy in moderation, stop eating before you are full, seems our brain is 20 minutes behind us knowing we are full. 😀👍