Clean Eating: I would like to aim at eating... - Healthy Eating

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Clean Eating

asics profile image
20 Replies

I would like to aim at eating clean.

I would like to focus on the positives of eating this way rather then what i would be givong up!

Has anyone started to eat 'clean'? If so can you recommend any good websites / books?

Thank you!

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asics profile image
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20 Replies
deejames profile image

Not sure what you mean by ' clean ' eating.

asics profile image
asics in reply to deejames

In really basic terms it is staying away from processed food and sticking to fruit,veg,lean protein,pulses/beans and wholewheats. The less that has happened to it the better!

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to asics

Good thinking but I'd stay away from the meat. See recent report about the amount of antibiotics pumped into animals not to mention the routine use of hormone to stimulate growth. Even organic meat is allowed a certain amount of these substances.

Good eating to you


asics profile image
asics in reply to deejames

Good point. Without meat it would be super clean!

From the little I have read you certainly wouldn't eat red meat or if you did it would be minimal. Fish or protein from plant sources seems to be the cleanest but I haven't read much yet.

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to asics

I gradually gave up meat. First red meat and then all farmed meat because of what waß being given to the animals and also because of the foul conditions most were kept in. I still eat fish but only sustainable varieties. I don't like farmed fish mostly . I do try to eat oily fish regularly but not tuna as its mostly caught using methods that catch and maim dolphins as well.

I can't afford to buy organic vegetable from supermarkets but if there is a farmers market around I get them there. I do buy organic milk as I've read that milk is the most likely to have retained the chemicals given to the cattle.


puffyface profile image

I suggest the book Clean and Lean by James Duigan

asics profile image
asics in reply to puffyface

Thank you - will take a look!

asics profile image

Thisjsfantastic bigleg thank you so much!

Will check these out over the weekend. X

PhilFreeToAsk profile image

I have found Patrick Holford's books informative and a good range of tasty recipes. (E.g. See for reviews).


Hi Asics

I just started on the same journey myself- I very loosely follow the book "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman but there are loads out there "Deliciously Ella" is quite a nice blog too although a bit more of the junkie types of healthy food. I still eat the odd bit of meat (but mostly beans, lentils, flaxseed, broccoli and mushrooms for my proteins now) but wow am i feeling good and losing weight without dieting yipee!

I just started with 1 change- a balanced diabetic smoothie for breakfast and so far i'm loving it

I wish you all the best of luck : )

asics profile image
asics in reply to

Thanks for the recommendation and your personal story. Well done on making the change so successfully, you have spurred me on. ☺ I will have a look at this book. I have deliciously Ella and what i have cooked from it I have loved.

I will let you know how I get on! 😊

Hi Asics

I dont know if this is your "cup of tea" but this is the smoothie recipe i started with...

Before i drink this i have 2 tblsp sauerkraut which is a prebiotic and a hell of a lot cheaper than those nasty plastic bottles of the stuff (but horses for courses lol)


2 cups raw spinach/baby kale mixture (iron + vits & mins)

6g rolled oats (carbs low gi)

1 tsp ground cinnamon (balances blood sugars+ low gi)

3 tsp ground Linseed/Flaxseed (for fats/proteins/omega 3's) - buy it from Aldi £2

1/2 cup frozen berries (vits + fibre)

3 slices of cucumber (vits + fibre)

2 frozen strawberries (vit c etc)

1 medium banana (potassium/bit of protein 1.1g)

1 cup of water

...and blend!!!

For me this is healthier and more filling than a bowl of cereal and contains way more healthy nutrients than i could sneak into one bowl yet at the same time its low sugar, low GI, v high in nutrients, tastes pretty good, keeps me going until lunch and I can drink it on my way out of the door!!!

Not all smoothies are made equal - some are glasses of sugar and others are nutritious balanced meals

P.s although i'm not diabetic this was designed for diabetes : )

Good luck!

asics profile image
asics in reply to

That sounds gorgeous! I am going to try it! The only ingredient I don't have is the kale. Will sort this, make it and let you know! 😊

in reply to asics

normal kale can be a bit gritty (the stalks are thick too) so i prefer baby kale- but any dark greens will do- eg pea shoots, or frozen spinach : )

BadHare profile image

Hi Asics,

If you have time & imagination, & can afford it, an organic fruit & veg box is a good way to start, & maybe try a weekend where everything you eat is made from scratch. There's a few online offers on at this time of year. Some companies give out recipe leaflets with the delivery, which is good on the odd occasion that something unusual arrives.

I like to have a few cooking days a week, where I prepare veg soups, for the days when I might not feel up to it, though fresh cooked is best, & I try to mix in raw foods too. It's easy to put a handful of sprouted veg or alfalfa on top of whatever I'm eating.

Fresh fruit & nuts are a daily part of my diet, & I also like dried fruit to do a second fermentation of the kefir yoghurt I make once a week. This is supposed to be the best probiotic, which should improve digestion & nutrient absorption. It's easily made by adding fresh kefir or grains to organic milk, & leave it for 8-48 hours.

I always make sure there's healthy snacks on view. There's no excuse for me to eat something bad when the easiest option is the healthy one.

If I go out, I have a nut tub of almonds, walnuts. brazils, & alittle dried fruit, so I'm not tempted to buy something bad, though I do succumb to the occasional cake.

There's lots of info available online on paleo diets, which suit some people as it's less inflammatory to the body. I'm veggie, so it wouldn't suit me, but do eat small quantities of organic dairy or eggs, & generally buy only rye or sourdough bread, & cook with oats or buckwheat rather than flour

I like a lot of Chris Kressers articles on clean food, functional eating, & gut health.

It does get easier once you start.


asics profile image
asics in reply to BadHare

Thanks for all that info Mel. Really helpful, really appreciate it.

I need to get more organised too I can see. I do make batches of soup and veggie Bolognese and chilli but not often enough!

Tonight I was delighted with a mixed pepper, sweet potato 'spaghetti' and jumbo prawn stir fry with a splash of soy sauce. Not sure if the sauce takes it out of the clean zone? ☺

in reply to BadHare

Hi Mel- great post- thanks- just a quickie question as this is all pretty new to me too... kefir is dairy? only i'm dairy intolerant which is why i use sauerkraut but do you have any other suggestions so i can mix things up a bit? : )

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to

Hi Marmite,

If you do a search for kefir grains, the sites selling them have water kefir, which I'm told by Vegan friends, is as good as dairy kefir. There are even cultures for coconut & goats milk. You might find the bacteria have broken the lactose down enough for you to tolerate a little, but please don't try it if your dairy intolerance is bad. I mainly take it for the high B12 content, but also use it for cooking when I have too much. Tasty in buckwheat pancakes, or I add mango for a second fermentation to make kefir lassi.

You could try probiotic kombucha, another symbiotic mix of good gut bacteria. It's even more fascinating to make as the culture looks alive, & produces another layer that you can pass on to someone else.

Both water kefir & kombucha can be made with slightly sweetened tea, fruit tea, or very weak fruit juice ~ not so strong, sugary, or acidic that it kills off the layer of bacteria. They need to be kept slightly warm to incubate. Kefir is ready in half a day in summer, & over two in the fridge. I haven't made kombucha for a long time, but think that took about a week to grow.

I've seen a website where people can ask for a starter culture. Take a look on social media websites, as there's lots of kefir & kombucha groups on there, too.

Organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) with the cloudy culture at the bottom, is another dairy free source of probiotics. It's recommended by Chris Kresser for improving digestion & reducing indigestion. You should be able to get that in any healthfood store, or online for no more than £3 for a 750ml bottle. Make sure it's got the cloudy "mother" or must layer in the bottom of the bottle. I sometimes like a spoon in a cup of cool green tea (my poor teeth!). It's lovely on salads, or with EV olive or hazelnut oil for a sourdough dip. I have a bottle half filled with elderberries, that's infusing for spring sore throats.

Do you make your own sauerkraut? I've just cheated, & bought a jar of fresh stuff to try, but need to have a go at making my own.


in reply to BadHare

Thanks Mel- lots to research there : )

No i haven't tried making my own sauerkraut yet - not sure I will as i buy it from a local polish shop and its only 79p for a huge jar so for now i'll stick to the shop bought kind, i must admit its also quite nice as a bit of a side dish with my salad and beans- ive got the plain one but they also make one with shredded carrot in it too : )

BadHare profile image

You're welcome!

Shredded carot sauerkaut sounds tasty. I'll look out for that.

Keep those huge jars for your kefir. :)


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