Certain colours of stones being either 'cold' or 'warm' can take on a totally different appearance when combined with a different colour metal. Gold would be lovely indeed, but electroplating with a 22k gold solution works just as well!
This is a beautiful string of faceted natural Amazonite. It is a beauty stone that has so many different colours in it, from Duck Egg blue, to pale caramel and even dark Tudor oak colour brown. This string could do both; either silver or silver gilt!
Thank-you for all your lovely comments. I'm so glad you've enjoyed the process of creating the cylinder. It's hard work and at times I feet like flagging, especially with all the curry stresses we are all enduring; but sharing my efforts has helped me complete my work and makes it all feel worthwhile.
Thank-you all again,
Best Wishes to all & stay safe and KBO, as Churchill said "keep buggering on"
Poppy the π