Hello everyone,
There is a warning from the FSA that some Rocket spinach and salad products contain nitrates from fertilisers that exceed safe levels which can be carcinogenic.And Rocket in particular seems to absorb and store nitrates from fertilisers.
Here's an article in todays Daily Mail please see:
Nitrates and nitrites are essential elements, but if they form nitrosamines they can be a health threat. Nitrosamines can form if you cook nitrates or nitrites at high heat.
If you buy foods and processed meats in particular with these E no's it's worth remembering to cook them for longer and on a lower temperature to minimise them becoming nitrosamines and a health threat.
Sodium nitrate (E251)
Sodium nitrite (E250)
Potassium nitrate (E252)
Potassium nitrite (E249)
Cooking vegetables does not tend to create nitrosamines as they are cooked at a lower temperature.
FSA research on nitrates in spinach and salads: