How to live longer? The best Diet proven to... - Healthy Eating

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How to live longer? The best Diet proven to increase life expectancy!

namaha profile image
19 Replies

Very interesting articles I came across while researching as to how to live longer and what is that life style people from Blue Zones are adopting to...

I am sure you would like to live longer!

Yes i would like to live longer! ☺️

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namaha profile image
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19 Replies

Thanks namaha I'd like to keep myself as healthy as possible so this is very interesting, so thanks for posting.

Jerry. 😊

Bakinggirl profile image

Hi namaha. Thank you for the links. The past six weeks I’ve been adapting to a plant based diet and lost 9lbs in weight and generally felt lighter. I was getting a bit light headed so twice a week I’m going to have mackerel and the rest will be plant based. I don’t know if adding the fish is wrong and reverses all the good I’m doing. But I’m going to carry on. Are you plant based?

Zest profile image

Hi namaha

Thanks for sharing those articles. Hope you're having an enjoyable week so far.

Zest :-)

namaha profile image

Thanks Jerry, Leah, ZEST & Bakinggirl for the compliment.

To respond to Bakinggirl, yes I am 100% plant based, though once upon a time - may be a decade back , to be honest I used to eat meat....

But then things changed and i became wiser perhaps ☺️...and now trying to teach my family members to adopt to a plant based food...

The reasons for the change is purely based upon science and evidence based and it is nothing to do with any religious sentiments or any blind belief or otherwise :

(1) My incidences of falling sickness has comedown drastically and i am able to stay healthy on all fronts..

(2) The plant food offers varities in colour, taste and full of a lot of Phyto-nutrients, Anti-oxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals , Soluble and insoluble fiber which are very much essential for your over all health of your intestine , blood vessels and body cells...

(3) Fresh Plant food is always free from Bacteria and virus : Most of the virus episodes we had so far in the world are all originated from animal / birds...

Whether it is Corona virus, H1N1, Swine flu, Avian Flu, SARS virus, MERS virus , Ebola, Nipah .... even HIV / AIDS virus was originated from Africa animals...we are yet to develop a vaccination even after 50 years of its discovery and we continue to live in fear.....

(4)while some people can still debate and with all due respect for all of those who eat meat 🙏 ( including some of my own family members though 😀) the fact remains is that after another decade or so perhaps your restaurant may not be able to serve you with your favorite meat due to ..... you may not be able to buy meat from the market for your own cooking at home.......Yes climate change.... Meat may not be a sustainable food in the long run......

Hope you understand .... Today with population blast everywhere, deforestation taking place for our settlement , water is scarce... and all of us if we want to eat meat , then animals and birds are to be reared ... you also need to house them....where are the resources in the planet...... and look at the fact that these animals/ birds release a lot of methane gas apart from CO2 which are Potent Green House Gases...which are leading to Global Warming....

Recently, Australia govt ordered to kill 10,000 camels...reasons (a) they depleted all water reservoirs by drinking (b) the govt said 10,000 camels are equivalent to 20,000 cars on the road releasing HC/CO2 in to atmosphere causing Global Warming and Bush fire....

It is only a small example... Which recently happened...

(5) And also look at the fact that all animals and birds during their rearing period are given all kind of hormonal injections and vaccinations to increase body weight.... Commercial purpose ...... and to keep them disease free... and we never know how these would affect human beings .... No wonder these hormones if we eat could make us hormonally imbalanced and could cause a lot of illness....

Statex profile image
Statex in reply tonamaha

Hogwash. Most land that is used to raise livestock is not capable of supporting crops. I have worked on farms and the more vegetable based foods and nuts you eat the more chemicals you are taking into your body. Do you have any idea of the amount of spraying that is needed to keep crops pest free? Yes they are needed because we have been able to feed the people of Europe over the last 70 years.

With regard to viruses it is my opinion that these viruses are natures way of reducing the population. The spread from animal to human is because of certain peoples habits of eating unusual species of animals.

namaha profile image
namaha in reply toStatex

You have raised a relevant question on chemicals being used to raise is all man made ......

Then there is climate change...... Antarctica Ice melting...... Ozone layer depletion.... Drinking water scarcity, Ground water level depletion.... Air we breathe in are full of polluting gases causing human diseases..... so to every problem we need to find a solution which is SUSTAINABLE so that we and our next generations can also live in this planet....So the whole world is evolving.... thanks to modern science ....

Polluting coal fired Thermal power plants are being closed down.... We found out solutions in form of renewable and sustainable source of energy namely Solar and wind energy....and now energy from ocean waves....This also avoids carbon emissions and green house gases.... Carbon foot print....

Coming to chemicals for crops , yes industries are now producing organic fertilizers, compost and crop care ingredients made out of organic bio-degradable kitchen waste and so we get organic vegetables and fruits....going forward alternative solutions to chemicals are always there....

Virus is not a nature's way of reducing population.. we can not be a silent spectator to 1000'of deaths everytime..... It is well studied by science and the origin of the virus is also detected....all well known birds and animals....

You would appreciate the WHO data of animal/ birds originated virus attacking human beings in various parts of the world ...and a couple of other articles on the subject ....

Cooper27 profile image

Welcome to the site namaha :)

I wanted to respond to one thing: "Fresh Plant food is always free from Bacteria and virus", plant foods aren't free from bacteria. They generally have good bacteria in/on them, but can have bad.

I would generally always recommend washing veg at home, as I've seen the quality of water used to wash it.

I also heard an interesting tidbit that, of people hospitalised due to food poisoning, the most likely culprit is salad leaves, so again, please wash them thoroughly :)

namaha profile image
namaha in reply toCooper27

Dear Cooper 27

Agree with your views.. Bacteria is a far better animal than Virus ..

(1) Our body itself is full of bacteria.. some are good and some are bad ... Our intestine is full of Intestinal flora... Most of them are called friendly bacteria and they are our body defenders... Any harmful bacteria enters our body, they fight it out... And in case the enemy harmful bacteria is stronger , then we fall ill. . .... .

(2)Harmful Bacteria is easy to handle ..these are well known bacteria for example : salmonella, E.coli, ... These were there 100 years back...There are antibiotics already discovered which can fight it out..

All that is needed is to test your blood, urine, sputam, stool.. etc for Culture and sensitivity , identify the bacteria and take the right antibiotic ...

But the only thing is that antibiotic can kill your friendly bacteria too along with the harmful ones and that is why it is recommended that you take Probiotics with antibiotics to restore your microbiota or intestinal flora . ...

(3) where as Virus could be unknown...unexplored... and most of the time it is originated from birds and animals....and It could be deadly.... Everytime we name a new virus ... This time it is Corona novel virus..... Novel means " not seen before".

There is no antibiotic....

(4) Another major difference between bacteria and virus is that bacteria contamination and transmission is normally through food and touch.....

Where as Virus can be transmissed by air apart from food and physical contact /touch ....

And the incubation period could be as high as 14 days and within these 14 days the affected person without any symptoms and without his knowledge that he is infected , he can transmit the virus to dozens of other people.. .

Whereas if it a bacterial infection, you will have symptoms within few hours e.g vomiting, stomach upset, loose motion, stomach pain, high poisoning. .. etc etc .

Please remember that next time when you have common cold, flu, running nose with water, sneezing, .... It is a virus.....not the corona virus though....

Please do take care not to spread it ... Remain in isolation.. . Wear a mask... Avoid office . . Who knows what kind of virus it is....☹️

(5) Bacterial infection can be controlled easily ...normally it is limited to individuals / or to a family or a gouop of people attending a party for example!

It can not become pandemic , but virus infection can become pandemic ( it can spread to the entire Globe)

(6) Casualities less with Bacterial infections and very large with virus....

(7) if it is a Bacterial infection, nothing to worry, a hospital or a medical professional can treat you effectively and in all probability you can survive as antibiotics are well known to kill the bacteria ,

But virus can not be killed by antibiotic ..yes vaccination can be developed to prevent a virus infection.... But it is time taking and at times may not be possible....

HIV is a virus discovered 50 years back and till date there is no vaccination....

(8) Virus is alltogether a different class of species , much smaller in size than the bacteria and virus once enters human body can multiply very fast....

It can spread from sneezing and through air and it goes on multiplying in every human body it entres....

It is not the case with bacteria.....these do limited damage....

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply tonamaha

I also heard an interesting piece of feedback, that probiotics can help limit your risk of contracting coronavirus (this was word of mouth though, I don't have any links to the study on this).

namaha profile image
namaha in reply toCooper27

No such evidence !

Virus is unknown ... Unexplored .... Uncharted territory.....

Everytime we discover a virus which is "novel ".

HIV virus still remains novel.☹️

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply tonamaha

HIV may be novel, but that doesn't mean we don't know how to reduce our risk of contracting it :) HIV is pretty well studied by this point!

Personally I don't think it does us any harm to promote good gut bacteria in an effort to fight off viruses. It may help, it may not, but it won't hurt.

namaha profile image
namaha in reply toCooper27

Yes agree, we learn a lot only at the cost of casuality and we learn only to take care so that we are not contracted, but still the HIV is very much around.... and still people continue to get contracted...and once contracted... No cure .. may be we can prolong the progression...

The other day , when i had gone to a lab for my blood test, the Phlebo forgot to show me the sealed syringe, so when i asked him, he did not ask me a question , he simply thrown it to the dustbin and took out a new one for me ... though he knew it was a sealed one .....

Nevertheless , as you said there is nothing wrong in taking probiotics from fermented food like Yoghurt ... Fermented soy... and many others...

Hi namaha, has anyone studied the effect of wartime rationing in the population. Many of my family, and members of my friends families are now passing away in their mid to late 90’s. Pretty good By Scottish standards.

Common factors were mainly unprocessed foods, regular mealtimes, no snacking between meals and being active. Enduring many years of rationing during WW2.

Looking at a 1956 film of my local high street, it was interesting to note that there were no obese people to be seen. Granted it was a short clip.


BlueSky125 profile image

There are a lot of studies related to fasting and longevity.

in reply toBlueSky125

Thanks for recommending the article, makes sense to me. I have seen Dr Moseley on tv explaining intermittent fasting, and did indeed lose weight on the 5.2 regime. It was interesting to actually recognise what ‘hunger’ feels like.


thanks for recommending the article, makes sense to me. I remember reading an article a few years ago. It tracked an Irish family, two brothers moved to the states, adopted a highly processed but low fat diet. The other brothers continued on the farm with ‘full Irish’ breakfasts, bacon egg, cooked in butter with soda and wheaten breads. Other foods were basic stews and roasts, buttery ‘champ’ etc. They were also more active.

The American brothers had more heart disease.

I personally adhere to the Billy Connelly diet of 4 words - Eat Less, Move More. -

Although I do love cheeses .


Kai-- profile image


Thank you kindly for sharing Blue Zone information, namaha. 🙏 😌

Don’t known if these ‘living longer’ supplemental resources might be of interest to you as well:

. . . 💯 "Journey To 100: Evolution of Medicine (Functional Medicine & Importance of 'Community')":

. . . 💯 "Journey To 100" speaker videos 📹 : [Michel Poulain is one of the speakers: "In 2000, he introduced the concept of Blue Zone, studying populations experiencing exceptionally high longevity and identified with Gianni Pes the first Blue Zone in Sardinia. He then cooperated with Dan Buettner to investigate additional Blue Zones in Okinawa, Costa Rica and Ikaria (Greece)."( )]

😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


namaha profile image

Dear Kai

Thank you very much for giving me access to so much wonderful study material on living longer and blue zone living !

While i have not been able to go through all the material that you have given, but I was able to get an essence of it after going through a few of them..

Will study these very intersting articles and watch the video clips at my leisure !

The world is evolving and i am sure people gradually would appreciate the mother nature's gift to mankind- appreciate the planet earth on which we are living and protect the environment , eating all natural food, cause less harm to others, lead a life style free from stress, worries and anxieties...

Thank you once again for your views!

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply tonamaha


[Very welcome, namaha. 🙏 😌 ]


Beautifully 🌺 said:

. . . "The world 🌍 is evolving ♻️

. . . and i am sure people 👣 gradually would appreciate 🙏

. . . the mother 🤱 nature's gift 🎁 to mankind 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 -

. . . appreciate 🙏 🙇 the planet earth 🌏 on which we are living 💃🕺

. . . and protect 🛡 the environment 🌳 🌊 🌬 🐾

. . . eating all natural food, 🌱 🌾 🥗

. . . cause less harm to others, ☮️

. . . lead a life style ⚖️ free from stress, worries and anxieties... ☯️


We need to hear 🧏 & truly understand 😌💭 this to our very core — heart 💓 , mind 🧠, & soul 👻.


Koyaanisqatsi: film: 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


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