Well I ordered takeout 3 times last week and overindulged in chocolate, sweet carbs and cheese at the weekend. I can honestly say I’m not feeling good for it but what I do know is I only have so much energy for the day and when overloaded with uni,kids,household, life in general and having a cold, my nutrition is the thing that slips in priority. I need to break the cycle and though my partner is supportive he also has the same issue. when he comes home from work he can’t be doing with working out nutritionally sound meals.
The only thing I can think of doing is mass cooking foods and freezing portions to become homemade ready meals, I will have to sort out room in my freezer but I’m gonna have to take sort out time to cook while doing other things and finding better tasting slow cooker meals but first I have to suffer the effects of eating poorly for the last few days 🤢