Glad to be a part of this group. I’ve been in a unique(that I know of) eating regime for 20 years. Each morning involves juicing carrots, cucumbers, lemon, orange, apple, pear. Juice poured into vitamix pitcher and blueberries, pomegranate, banana, asparagus tips, ginger, turmeric, beet, cherries, mango, spinach, broccoli, kale, and seeded grapes are added then blender at high speed for 2 minutes. Makes 4 servings. It’s lots of work but I find it beneficial.
Juicing/Smoothie routine: Glad to be a part... - Healthy Eating
Juicing/Smoothie routine

I tried a pure smoothie and juice regime when my arthritis was vety bad and felt it was not right for me. It gave some improvement but not a huge change for the better. I now follow the whole foods plant based diet and fronted by an elimination and healing process which took 6 months.

Hi Smoothman ,
Welcome to the group. Feel free to continue posting and commenting, asking questions, take a look at the Topics/Events/Polls/Pinned Posts for any ideas and/or suggestions for meals and/or snacks you may want to try out. Also, please feel free to meet the other members of the group. Everyone here is very helpful and friendly. If you need anything, we will try to give an answer to the best of our ability.
Your smoothie sounds great! Do you have any pictures to post?
I’ll take some tomorrow morning
That sounds great! I can't wait to see them. Thank you!
How's your day going for you?
Day is relaxing thanks for asking. Yesterday I worked outside all day doing landscaping chores at my house. Today relaxing and stretching. Yourself?
Spent the morning at a local Farmer's Market. The weather was cloudy for most of the time, but everything was better than the weather forecasters had predicted for out here today. Very lucky!
Sounds nice. I go through much produce and enjoy buying from farmers markets when I can.
The one that I go to has music and other things for everyone who is willing to attend.
Interesting! I’m curious about the cherries, do you take the stones out first, I’ve heard they are very poisonous? I take turmeric every day, but with black pepper (maybe sprinkled on a boiled egg or added to an omelette). Apparently the black pepper helps absorption by the body so you may want to add that to your smoothie. Personally smoothies are not for me, but I do eat all of those ingredients on a regular basis, except bananas :))
Yes I have a small appliance that destones 6 cherries at a time
Wow, never seen one of those. I eat the cherries, and the child in me still wants to know how far the stone will go :))
I got it on amazon. It’s a cheap plastics contraption with a spring loaded hinge. The cherries fit into designated spots and the lid has the blades. Push it down to get the stones out of the cherries, the spring releases the lid back up the stones fall to the bottom.
Hi StillConcerned. You can read all you want, carrots, cucumbers, asparagus tips, ginger, turmeric, spinach, broccoli, kale are not fruits, these items are among all the things that are combined in this drink, including the fruits, this is one of the most healthiest of things that you could do, it takes a lot of work too. As for the "font of longevity', it's a great way to consume vitamins and minerals from foods. So, just what do you eat or drink with being on Healthy Eating?
StillConcerned, everyone has their own take on carbohydrates,fats,and sugars. Some agree, some disagree on all the "bro-science" out there. If you're staying away from carbs, great. Don't believe everything you read however. What this person is doing,for the past 20 years, is truly healthy.
I appreciate any input. StillConcerned, thank you for contributing. I do have a small bit of belly fat I have been a unable to get rid of. I’m researching what you have contributed and am open to reducing the portions of sugary foods included in my smoothies. I didn’t mention this but I drink a cup of carrot juice each morning, and I do include a scoop of protein to offset the sugars in the carrots. I also drink a cup of celery juice each morning but I don’t think I have to worry about sugars in that.
Smoothman, a lot of people that I know do these types of morning smoothies, some a little different than others, but basically the same types of ingredients. Here in Pennsylvania, tons of farmers markets to buy fresh foods, it's all good. So, do you do your smoothie that you mentioned, along with the carrot and protein, and, the celery juice also besides?
Yes. I juice a cup of carrot juice on top of soy protein powder then juice a cup of celery juice. While the protein powder I’d absorbing into the carrot juice I consume the celery juice, and continue the rest of the juicing for the smoothie base. With stirring the carrot juice regularly, by the time the vitamix is doing its job the carrot juice is ready to drink.
StillConcerned, as with carbs, to a degree, I agree. All the crap out there in supermarkets and all the fast food dumps are teeming with horrible for you foods in the form of bad fats, junky type carbs, sugars from high fructose, etc. It amazes me that these foods are always the ones that are on sale, or the ones you can get a really good deal on with manufactures coupons! Many, many people just "don't get it", as with not thinking about the downsides of these crap foods, or, they know better but just don't care, because they taste so good to them. Sure, healthy fats are good for you, virgin olive oil(if you can find a "real" one), avocados,etc. I include these in my eating. However, I exercise a lot, lift weights at the local gym, I need carbs to a degree with energy, but the whole grain type. With all the junk foods out there, honestly, it's just crazy, but for many people, these types of foods(if you can call them that) are cheap. To eat truly good is a bit expensive.
Proper point to insert in many types of situations. Fortunately I can say I haven’t forfeited my soul. I have trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
StillConcerned, if you are using that biblical phrase to address the people that manufacture and promote the "evils" of junk foods, I agree. Each one of us are the Captain of our own ship. I just shake my head in disbelief when I see families in my area unloading their cars with the weekly bags of food(I use the term "food" very loose here) which is chock full of sodas, sugar cereals,chips, pre-packaged dinners, all types of crackers and snacks.