Hi I’m jem and I have type 2 diabetes this I hope will help me to have a healthier diet
Introducing me: Hi I’m jem and I have type... - Healthy Eating
Introducing me

Hi Jem,
How long have you been on D2 meds?
What are your current sugar levels now?
Some general tips for you.
>> Avoid 3 big meals. Instead take small mini meals every 2/3 hours. Take green vegetables/salad with every minimeal.
>> Consume protiens with carbs to control sugar levels.
>> Eat whole grain food/grains instead of refined grains like white bread, white rice etc
>> Avoid all forms of simple sugars/carbs like Colas, juices, sweets, cakes, biscuits, pizzas, noodles etc.
>> Eat fruits with low/medium GI index like apple, guava, strawberries, orange.
>> Do at least 30-45 mins of exercise everyday.
>> Walk for 10 mins after every meal.
>> Can help reduce sugar levels - daily intake one teaspoon of flax seeds powder,
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
Hope that helps.
Thank you for your Input I have been keeping to a good diet of green vegetables salads and fruit (pears, apples, strawberries ect) flax seeds on oats in the morning chia seeds for omega 3 and cinnamon stopped eating white bread ect a good time ago I welcome any input to my health and diet cheers
Hi Jemtx ,
Welcome to the Healthy Eating community. I'm giving you a link to the NHS Choices information on Diabetes, as there are various link pages there that might be of interest to you:
Also, the Healthy eating pages are good too - I'll pop back with a link to those, if you'd like to have a look through.
Here's the Healthy eating pages (from NHS Choices - which this forum is linked to):
Thank you zest
These might be worth a read:
Michael Mosley, & Chris Kresser's websites are good sources of information.
Jemtx I was wondering your your diabetes is!