Well I have been retired 5 yrs. Worked in electric powerplant 25 yes. Turned 65 in July have had T2 diabetes for 15 yes. Married , very active, trustee for my church, my wife has a severe case of IBS, so I do for her & me everything in our house, cook, clean & everything else. Plus I have friend & a daughter-in-law that has severe diabetes issues that I assist with.
A little bout me or a lot: Well I have been... - Healthy Eating
A little bout me or a lot

Do you or your daughter-in-law count carbs. for each meal and snack? Is your daughter-in-law type 1, 1.5 (LADA) or type 2?
Yes I do to some extent when I purchase items @ grocery, No my daughter-in-law is just now deciding its important to her health to check her blood sugar daily and not to try and see how much she can drive her sugar up by being negligent and not caring, now after loosing 4 toes and a retna in one eye & 2 serious bone infections in her right foot and we are both Type 2..
Is it okay with you if I send a message to you later today on HU?
no neither of us count carbs, know we aree suppose to, I look at carbs when I buy something but thats all, no my daughter in law is not that serious, she has just started taking insulin and checking sugar readings on a normal system.
Welcome Herman. Hands full ? I have been a T1 for over 50yrs & also in the electricary game. Good luck with your challenges & anything we can help with pls ask.
Thank you very much for those good words, I have seen Liver Dr. last week and he had some interesting suggestions, One that would help me in several points of my body, would be bariactic surgery. So meeting with my primary dr. Wednesday to discuss all the good and bad of this remedy. Thanks for the good offer, everyone seems to be so nice and helpful here.