As promised, here's my picture of the omelette cooked with eggbeaters I had today for lunch. I had a small fruit salad on the side (30 carbs. total). It came out really well and lots of cheese to help keep everything together.
Lunch for Today: Omelette: As promised, here... - Healthy Eating
Lunch for Today: Omelette

Hi Leah, this looks incredibly light and fluffy, cheese omelettes are the best... so I'm glad that you enjoyed it. 😊
Hi Activity2004 ,
Your Omelette looks really great. Tasty!
Omelette looks delicious! I may do one after rowing tomorrow.
Thank you for letting me know, ShadowDee . Where do you go to row? The eggbeaters will help a lot since they keep you full longer during the day.
I row on the River Mersey at Warrington. We have to be on the water by 8am. And finish at 10. Looks like it's -2 tomorrow 😱
hi Activity
i had to look up what eggbeaters was😯
i just wondering what you do with the yokes.. then i remembered queen egg custard. its been many years since i cooked that.. the only thing i know was to make lemon meringue with it , so next time i will save them to make an omelet. ☺
Hmm -I didnt know what eggbeaters meant either - dont want to be rude but any product that has something taken out and then has to have the nutrients added back in doesnt sound much of a healthy choice to me.
well the evils of cholesterol are a bit of a myth. check out Dr Malcolm kendrick on youtube
Macclesfield. Why dont you just google him and you can see his publication history

andyswarbs ,
I will send you a message soon. Please wait until I let you know.

Please check your private messages now, andyswarbs . I just sent it. It’s okay.
I think anyone who thinks dietary cholesterol is okay for them is heading for health problems. Here is one (of many videos) on NutritionFacts on the subject. As far as I can see the peer-reviewed independent research is totally overwhelming.
The US government has explicitly prohibited the description of eggs as "nutritious" or any similar word. This is one reason you see eggs described as "happy".
Activity! I gave egg beaters a try this morning. I had mushrooms spinach and cheese. Toast and coffee on the side. Turned out delicious and just wanted to thank you for sharing. And I'm hooked
Yummy 😋
Oh just looked it up don’t think hey do that in uk but spouse could make your own just egg whites?
Hi how are you today 😀
Ahh babysitting that’s nice🙂 sorry just seen this reply I’ve private messaged you have a good day