I am obese and suffer from high cholestrol. The doctor advised me to loose weight. I am thinking of organizing a workshop for Arabic speakers about healthy eating and nutritional advice. Could anyone help me?
Action against obesiety: I am obese and... - Healthy Eating
Action against obesiety

I don't speak Arabic, but think it's an excellent idea,
Your GP practice may be able to help you organise this. Perhaps ask if you can get help from your GP's practice nurse or community nurse to find leaflets that have been translated to Arabic. I sometimes see links to leaflets available for non-English speakers, so there's bound to be some available to print on the internet.
Do you have a local community centre or social hall that you could rent at low cost? I attend evening health related meetings in a church near a clinic I attend. I also know that Quaker Meeting Houses can be used by anyone as long as it's a good purpose, such as yours.
Hope these links help:
In Arabic you're Badhir.