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CrashL334 profile image
18 Replies

Hey, I'm Damien, 27 from Wales :)

I joined this site as I am in need of assistance, with my diet.

I had an episode last thursday, where I thought I was having a heart attack. My bf on Skype thought so too. Blood test and X-ray scan proved I was mistaken, however the only thing that flagged up was slightly higher than usual cholesterol.

Tbh I deserve that. I have a very bad diet of junk food most days. I'm not the guy who shops for a week supply of healthy food, and eat like a normal person, on a plate, 3 meals a day.

I'm in desperate need of advice. This recent event has finally given me the motivation I need to change my "student ways" in terms of dieting. I'm 13stone. 5ft 11ish.

I would like help in knowing what foods to buy, as cheap as possible too. I don't know anything about "real food", and I recently found out that 1 poached egg alone is enough to max out my cholesterol for the day. 1 egg a day. It's a shame as I hear it has many good qualities; but I must obviously stay away from eggs now.

What meals and snacks can you guys suggest?

I also have a wheat and dairy intolerence, so any advice on breakfast that isnt bacon/eggs or cereal (milk), would be most beneficial!

I just need to know what I can eat throughout the week that isn't plagued with cholesterol; I'm already increasing my veg intake to 1 "sachet" a day. Frozen Birds Eye veg.

Thanks! Damien

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18 Replies
CrashL334 profile image

Thanks :)

My chest was in severe pain, right in the middle. Before hand, i've had the feeling of someone pressing against my chest, to the left, on and off for some time. This time was different. Simply moving made me cry in pain, I was lying down on my bed, on Skype. I stretched then suddenly the pain started. It took 10-15 mins to subside enough for me to move, and drive to the hospital. It was still very painful for several hours. The pain had gone by the time a doctor finally seen me.

The doctor didnt provide me with any information like that, which I thought was strange. No data or values, no paperwork or anything like that. He simply stated that all is good, but my cholesterol is slightly higher than usual, for my age.

I honestly have no idea what type of blood test it was. The woman placed stickers on my chest, and took some blood.

How do I perform a calcium score test?

Can you provide specific meal ideas? I honestly don't know what to eat, regarding "eat more fat". I am honestly that clueless when it comes to food. I was brought up on cheese sandwiches....I couldn't even fry an egg until I was 20 and living in a student house x'D

benwl profile image
benwl in reply toCrashL334

Please bear in mind that none of us on this site is medically qualified, and that advice to eat more fat is contrary to the current NHS advice on this.

If you are already avoiding dairy, you might like to consider a plant based or vegan diet (which is what I follow)

Have a look at the website forks over knives

CrashL334 profile image
CrashL334 in reply tobenwl

Yeah, I understand, I just wanted some advice from people with experience in healthy eating/lifestyles. I would go for that sort of diet, but real meat (not the junk crap I used to inhale daily) provides the body with required nutrients, right?

benwl profile image
benwl in reply toCrashL334

There's certainly nutrients in meat - mostly fat and protein - but no fibre and with some exceptions such as iron not a lot of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidents etc so even if you do eat meat, you'll want to have plenty of vegetables and fruit as well.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply toCrashL334


Thank god you didn't have cardiac.

It's not a wise step to drive to the hospital. Everyone here. My advice is if you have such a severe pain anytime in future please don't move. If you are driving stop your car and park on the roadside. Call an ambulance and go to a hospital. Then let it prove not a cardiac pain. Because if that's cardiac pain of attack driving and movements can be fatal.

@CrashL334 obviously had neuro muscular pain.

As for as high cholesterol is concerned stop junk food and take lchf. Fish get checked for D.

Have a nice time.

CrashL334 profile image
CrashL334 in reply tosuramo

Yeah, I know. I waited until I could at least move, without crying in pain. I had to wait 10-15 mins. I know it was a bad idea to drive, in that condition, especially if a heart attack WAS imminent, but I didn't want to bother the ambulance services for something that could have been (and was) a false alarm. It was only a 10 mins drive.

The doctor who examined me said there was no medical reason for the pain, so he said it's likely due to the immense stress i've dealt with all year, from my partner constantly cheating on me online on a daily basis (LDR).

Yep, i've cut out junk food entirely. I'm still learning on what to eat and when, I honestly have no idea atm xD Forgive me but, what is Ichf?

benwl profile image
benwl in reply toCrashL334

LCHF means low carbs high fat.

If you haven't spotted it already, theres kind of a schism in the nutritional world between those that argue that carbs should be minimized in favour of fats (sometimes including animal fats) and those arguing the opposite, which is to minimize fats and protein (and often especially animal sources of these) in favour of carbs.

And people in both camps report good results - but often think their particular approach is the only correct one.

What's interesting is where both sides agree which is in avoiding processed foods and generally eating foods that are close to their natural condition.

BadHare profile image

Hi Damien,

I've written two lengthy replies, which my laptop has eaten, so this attempt will be more brief!

Try to think of your scare as a good thing, ie, remember how bad you felt the next time you want to eat processed junk food! :(

Try to think about healthier food optionss & adding more fruit & veg to your diet. I suggested to someone last week that they get a student vegetarian cookbook as they have healthy basic recipes that you can learn to make from scratch. At first you can cheat by buying ready prepared vegetables for stir fries & soups, then have a rethink on what to try next once you feel better & more confident. Even if you start with one meal a week, then next week, two meals cooked from scratch, till you are eating better every day.

I like snacking so have two jars of good things on my kitchen table, Almonds, walnuts & brazils in one jar, chia & linseeds in the other jar. I always fill a couple of small tubs with nuts & seeds, dark chocolate (>70% cocoa) & sometimes dried fruit like a medjool date or mango, so I can put one in my bag when I go out. No temptation to buy junk when I'm out if I have something more tasty & nutritious. My carry tub becomes a filling meal when I add yoghurt & fruit. A water bottle is also a good thing to invest in if you buy sugary drinks. Don't make the mistake of thinking sugar free drinks & foods are better as the artificial sweeteners are toxic.

Eggs are not thought to be bad any more: bhf.org.uk/news-from-the-bh... They are quick & easy, & good for protein, vitamins & minerals, but try ro get organic & always free range for a healthy conscience. As you don't eat wheat, try making a pancake with a whisked egg, two heaped dessertspoons of buckwheat (it's not a wheat but a gluten free healthy substitute that's a relative of rhubarb), add about 75mls of nut milk or enough to make it slightly runny, then fry as you would an ordinary pancake. I use rice bran oil or coconut oil, never sunflower.

Try to avoid processed breakfast cereals of the type that are advertised on the telly. They are not high in nutrition & have to have things added as the good stuff has been processed out. Try porridge, or even quick microwave oats, made with nut milks or just water, & add some fruit, nuts or seeds. I love maple syrup on both pancakes & porridge, or a little raw honey. If you're only lactose rather than fully dairy intolerant try cottage cheese, & oat pancakes which are filling & easy: 2 parts oats, to one of cottage cheese & a whisked egg. I usually let it soak for a bit before cooking.

If you do eat meat, please make sure it's not the processed kind which is known to promote cancer as well as heart disease. See my post from earlier in the week.

If this doesn't make sense, please feel free to let me know, & also ask me if you want quick or easy recipes.


CrashL334 profile image
CrashL334 in reply toBadHare

Omg, that laptop of yours is hungry! Sorry to hear you lost 2 lengthy replies, and thanks for trying, despite your hungry laptop! xD

I am doing so, the scare shocked me into a routine i've been attempting for years. I've hated the constant student lifestyle, junk food, snacking and impulse buying but I couldn't seem to shake it for years. This recent event is a godsend!

As I'm unsure what to eat for breakfast, that isn't eggs/bacon/sausages or cereal (can't have milk) I have been incorporating fruit into my diet. My breakfast now consists of 1 banana, 1 orange and 1 apple. Hardly filling, but I know it's the best way.

I've also stocked up on frozen Birds Eye veg, of which I have 1 sachet every day, with whatever else I eat that day, like frozen chicken, tinned food etc.

That cookbook is a good idea. I hate snacking. I'm glad that's finally over. But sometimes, I do still get the urge when I'm sitting in an office 8 hours a day, bored.

Hopefully that urge will vanish in time. The snacking on biscuits were just an excuse to get off my chair and actually use my legs :')

I love eggs, and I know they're extremely nutritious. But I must be careful with my cholesterol levels now, and 1 egg alone is almost my daily limit :( Although from extensive research (Google) this week, I have deduced that there are quite a few foods that do not contain cholesterol, including spaghetti (NOT including the sauce), which is a good sign. So I can eat more than an egg a day :)

I avoid all cereals. As much as I like them, milk has a bad effect on me. Porridge is nice. I've never tried it with water, I hope it's still as good as it was with milk, prior to me giving up on consuming milk.

This week just passed, all of the meat i've been eating is frozen meat. Birds eye chicken. Is that processed? Or does that refer to junk food and deli food?

Thanks for your help :)

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toCrashL334

It's the monster mouse. If I knock it slightly, it decides to swap page, loosing what I've written. I've placed it away from harm before start swearing again...

Your fruit breakfast is good. Add a handful each of nuts & seeds, & maybe a non-dairy yoghurt to make it filling, add protein & some longer lasting energy. Protein's important for telling the brain we've had enough to eat, so getting plenty earlier in the day tells the brain we don'y need to eat as much later.

Did you read the link on eggs? It's fine to eat a few a day. Just keep up the good work with your increased fruit & veg intake. I use organic butter in moderation, & cook with coconut oil which is also saturated, but the type my brain needs. The dangerous fats & accompanying toxins are those in processed foods like margarine & processed meats such as sausages, burgers, bacon.

If you haven't had milk porridge for a while. you may not notice the taste is different. Treat yourself to some maple syrup & that will make it just as good. If you're lactose intolerant, rather than dairy, you could try lactose free milk. I love almond milk, & found coconut milk made lovely porridge. Water porridge with coconut flakes might be tasty, too.

Do you like beans & lentils? These keep well if dried or in tins, so useful cupboard staples. I make a veg bolognaise with puy lentils that's nice with pasta. I tend not to buy it, but quorn is higher in protein & less fat than chicken. It just needs to be cooked with some herbs or spice to give it flavour.

deejames profile image

Just being the devil's advacate here and suggesting that you may not be wheat and dairy intolerant but possible your symptoms come from the junk food instead ?

Excuse me if I am out of line.


CrashL334 profile image
CrashL334 in reply todeejames

My intolerances are not confirmed from testing; I had hoped my recent blood test would reveal anything like that. I was later told that the doctors would have had to be looking for intolerances for them to appear. So maybe I do have them. I'm not 100% sure, but everytime I have 1 single piece of brown bread (or white) i'm full and bloated, and my belly extends past my damn belt, for days. Same with milk too. One bowl of cereal (with milk) has the same effect. I hate that bloated feeling. And it makes my belly look disgusting.

From testing, I realised it may be intolerences. I stayed away from all wheat and dairy for a week and my belly stayed relatively flat, despite the ongoing junk food at the time.

You could still be right though :) I seriously doubt the junk food helped with the bloating in any way :P

CrashL334 profile image

My calcium should be pretty high, I was brought up on cheese sandwiches for 90% of my life. Hence why i'm so bad with food these days. I don't think India is possible, unfortunately, but thanks anyway! :)

CrashL334 profile image

Ohh I see now. Thanks for clearing that up! And thanks for the help :)

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply toCrashL334

Have you tried eating more protein (nuts, salmon and other fish, etc.), CrashL334 ?

Hi there,

Benwl's post is good. There is a lot of disagreement about food these days! The one agreement is that fast food and processed food are very bad for your health. I watched a Micheal Pollan video a while back and something he said stuck with me. Eat real food, eat less of it and eat mostly plants. I will add that stress will make you sick!!

Now, you need to learn to cook clean, healthy food that you like to eat. Don't be guilted by the food fanatics on either of the many sides of the food debate. You need a diet that you will be able to stay with. Buy a crock pot and recipe book. Buy as much organic as you can. If you choose to eat meat, buy meat raised healthy and humanely. Listen to healthy eating podcasts. Browse the cookbook aisle. Educate yourself about cholesterol, HDL, LDL.

There is so much info on the internet and good recipes too. Take your time, enjoy food!

Finally, it is ok to eat dinner for breakfast!

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