Hi I am new to this post. Just been told I have a furry artery and should loose weight to get my cholesterol down , any good suggestions two hip replacement plus knee can't walk for to long thanks
Healthy eating: Hi I am new to this post... - Healthy Eating
Healthy eating

ive got very high cholesterol and statins gave me bad side effects so i stopped taking them. i have heard that apples are great for lowering cholesterol, also oats. I think roughage and whatever moving around you can manage are as good as it gets, I don't know if the special margarine and yoghurt products help or if they are just gimmicks, but they come in capsule form too which is maybe better, I have stopped buying all marg products and am sticking to real butter in small doses, much healthier Im told. good luck!
the picture you are describing suggests that in the first instance you need to take the prescribed medication especially to start to lower your BP. You are likely to feel better once your BP is lowered and so may be able to take control of what's going on in your diet and lifestyle. If you smoke I'd suggest it is more important to stop that before you look at your diet. Some exercise, perhaps see GP first if you are new to it, would obviously help. Beyond that, it isn't that hard, you just have to want to do it. There is no need to get special diet food (although there is some evidence for the spreads if you want to buy them) just a diet low in saturated fat. Heart UK is a really nice website which I think explains the kind of food you should eat and the reasons why. Good luck!
sorry, I'm not letting this one go. There is no evidence that I'm aware of showing chia seeds result in weight loss.
Cooking at home as much as you can instead of ordering food/eating out will probably help. You can easily find recipes online that are healthy and that will help you lose weight: eatthis.com/fast-recipes-fo...
Another thing that can help is to reduce how many sugar-y juices and sodas you drink, you might want to try infused waters or teas: alcattesting.com/single-pos...
Definitely consult your doctor, they'll have good specific dietary recommendations and suggestions for how you can increase physical activity. Good luck!