I have discovered barley!!! I knew a bit about barley - for example that my British forebears added it to soups. But that was about all I knew. But now I know that it can be used hot and cold, for breakfast lunch and dinner - as a savoury dish or as a sweet. It can also be used as a "stomach filler" to stop me form eating too much . I precook a cup or more of dry pearl barley and after about an hour of boiling it, I strain it and put it in the fridge for use over the next few days. The liquid that I strain from it is kept and drunk as "barley water" - add a bit of citrus to it, maybe a little honey? or cinnamon ?. This morning I added a half cup of cooked barley to some rolled oats porridge - it adds an extra dimension of texture and flavour to porridge. It can replace rice in any dish - hot or cold - savoury or sweet. Add it to a cold salad or a hot curry - whiz up some fruit and a little yogurt in a blender and mix it into some cold barley as a sweet dish - or an afternoon snack ( which will fill your stomach so much that you won't eat too much at dinner)
I could go on and on