I've started getting acid reflux recently which was a surprise as I've always had a strong constitution. My GP prescribed a month's supply of Omeprazole which hasn't made any difference. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any dietary advice, websites, books that may help. I've also got rhinitis and have no sense of smell. I can taste but don't get flavour which means that I do tend to prefer very salty foods. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thanks.
Acid reflux: I've started getting acid... - Healthy Eating
Acid reflux

See Dr Esselstyne diet - i e whole food plant based no oil diet, I have Barretts oseophegus and have hardly any problem now, cut down medication to three times per week
I think very general advice is eat slowly and have smaller meals. You may find certain foods trigger it 😕 Good luck
I have had acid reflux for quite a few years - but as soon as I stopped drinking (mostly wine) it went away completely!! I have also lost a fair bit of weight and waist circumference.
Hi MargotLescargot,
I have been on Omaprazole for many years at the beginning the endoscopy showed inflammation and hiatus hernia, the most recent one showed no problems..having said that I am still advised to stay on this 40 gm..I still get the symptoms..so my main advice would be ..Always sit up at a table to eat, and don't eat a big meal in the w evening and if possible even stop snacking after early evening, So not much advice for you hopefully this might help a bit ..good luck
HAther x
Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it. Thanks also for your sound advice. I guess it mainly boils down to listening and being gentle with my body - which is often challenging to me as modern life is rushed and busy. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Try this, take apple cider vinegar with some water at the time of the problem. You can take it before or after a meal to help digestion as well. I use raw organic. The problem is in what you're eating. Any processed foods I'd cut out. Also, just an interesting note, after going organic (for the most part anyway, especially dairy and meats) I've had much less digestive problems. A good thing too is type in "apple cider vinegar benefits" and you'll be amazed at what you find.
my partner used all that but he had to get tecca , I believe it is called Tecca it dried up the acid reflux in a few days. reflux can be very serious and burn your esophagus,
you need to get back to your doctor , sometimes there is no dietary reason , cutting back on coffee helps,
but ask about Tecca .