How can i lose my weight without exercise? - Healthy Eating

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How can i lose my weight without exercise?

loraine27 profile image
6 Replies
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loraine27 profile image
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6 Replies
ceejayblue profile image

You don't need to exercise to lose weight but it does help get you fit and toned. Always make sure you speak to your GP before starting any "diet". You should start by watching your portion control and then look at finding a plan that suits you and any health problems you may have. I count calories, reduced my carbs a bit (I'm Type 2 diabetic) and because of other problems with gallstones and a hiatus hernia I avoid the low carb high fat diet on my GP and Diabeteic team's advice, as the high fat would give me gastric problems. The main thing is portion control, I try to live by everything in moderation so yes, occasionally I do have something as a treat - ie fish and chips but I take the batter off the fish and only have a few chips.

Take time to do a food diary for a week to see what you eat and buy a good set of food scales and see just what a portion of a food is. You'd be surprised!

I can't do exercise due to a health condition right now but my GP told me that I have to lose weight in order to have surgery done. Since November I have lost 18 kg. It may be a little slower but it's possible. I have reduced my carb intake and completely ditched snacking. It works for me! :)

beaton profile image

I wish I knew the answer to this. I have health issues but know I must loose weight. I am a vegetarian,have gluten issues and hashimoto's.among other things. So I've gone gluten free so low carb. moderate amounts of fat,cheese cream etc. low sugar if any at all. Yet I can't lose any weight. I hate all the adds. which promise weight lose,nothing works.

My doctor told me the single best way to lose weight is exercise, but we all have busy lives! Just monitoring my calories worked for me, the "myfitnesspal" app was a great for that, by eating 1400 cals a day, I lost maybe 9 pounds? Meh, my metabolism has always been a bit off, I lose and gain weight extremely fast.

AyrtonF profile image

I think this is totally doable as long as you keep moderate eating habits. I do not believe in counting calories - to me it is similar to curing a severe disease with aspirin. Doesn't fix the cause. I also believe, you can eat anything you want. It is hard to explain how to decide what to eat, when and how much... Try two things: once you feel first hit of hunger, drink 200-300 ml of fresh water; try eating when you actually are hungry, regardless of the time of the day - this might be more hard to accomplish as you probably follow some work schedule. The goal is, let your body tell you when it needs food, learn it's language and follow the signals. I post my daily eating diary here:, it is probably easier no spot the system by looking at what's done rather than reading description.

Eat less.

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