Hi, I've had ptsd like symptoms for 5 years. Bright sunlight, heat waves, and clear blue skies trigger my anxiety and panic resulting in misery, insomnia, severe fatigue, and depression. I've read the work of peter levine resolving trauma, and read your story how hypnosis worked for you. Is there a real cure for recuring trauma symptoms that can restore me back to "normal"? I want my old life back. My other option is to move to a perpetually cloudy and cold place like alaska.
Stuck with PTSD and want recovery desperately. - Heal My PTSD
Stuck with PTSD and want recovery desperately.

Hi stwdiehl, glad you're here! I do relate to your symptoms - I've had them all, and have felt some amazing relief from them. Yes, there is the hope of healing recurring trauma symptoms, and you'll get a lot of great input here on how people have done it. I don't know about the Peter Levine work and hypnosis to cure PTSD, but I'm sure you'll hear from others who have experience with those.

Thanks for the response. I'm seeking counseling at this time. But don't know who I will find to help me on this journey of recovery. I just know it will be a long hard road. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
You will find a LOT of resources, and this is a great place to be. It will help you find out what all is available, and what works for you. Yes, it is a hard road, but can be wonderfully fulfilling to seek and find freedom!
Great that you are seeking counseling - and do remember, you're interviewing them for compatibility. If they are not right for you, or if your gut says "something doesn't feel right," just honor that feeling and move on.
I'm looking for relief to sleep at night, to wake up in the morning and say..I look forward to today. To rewire my mind and brain to enjoy life instead of dread it or be depressed by it. People seem to be my joy. I try to focus on that aspect of my life. I'm ready to move forward on my journey of recovery. I am scheduled to start therapy with a counselor next week. I hope it's a good match or I'll need to keep looking again. Thank you for your words of encouragement and advice. I am seeking information on my condition and have read a couple books on Trauma. Thanks for welcoming me to the group too.
I have insight into what is going on within me. I just need to start working to bring relief so I can handle the change of seasons from winter to spring then summer without going into fight or flight mode each year. I'll be most happy when that happens eventually.

We will be happy for you too! Keeps us posted.x
I don't know if any of this might help, but I have PTSD too. For me it seems to create alot of physiological issues, such as numbness, muscle twitches, severe fatigue, mental confusion etc. I try to tell myself everyday "you can do this". I try to exercise a bit everyday even if it is for 5 minutes of weightlifting, which can be very draining for me. If I need to cut the grass I do it, even if it takes me hours, cut rest, cut rest, etc. I go to work everyday even though I may feel ill. Halfway through my day I may feel better but then by like 4:00 I am exhausted. I can work 6 hours, but 8 is definitely draining. Anyway, I push myself everyday and I do sometimes feel like I am getting stronger. Then the next day I have a set back, but I still push myself. This seems to be what keeps me going. I must admit though I do have to sleep like 20 hours a few times a month to "recover" especially if something stressful happens. Anyway, what seems to help me is to try to just be as normal as possible. Keep going. I am hopeful after time of doing this I will continue to get stronger and feel better each day. I try to find the areas in my body that have the most tension and ,maybe lift some weights to try to strengthen those muscles as I know they are weak. sometimes the anxiety gets the best of me and I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin. I am using the breathing Michelle suggests and that helps too. Eating every three hours seems to help too. Anyway everything we do might help I just hope to continue to get strong again as PTSD has zapped my strength. I try to tell myself too, you have a chronic illness just like anyone who has a chronic illness, so take it easy and do what you can. I think we need to realize PTSD is no different from any other physical illness. We need rest, activity as we can do it and support from groups like this!
I can do alot when I'm away from my triggers. Cloudy skies and cool temperatures in my environment I slowly return to normal. It happened to me last week when it was cooler for five days. But right now it is a heat wave and it's stressed me out so much I can't sleep and can barely function. I pushed myself yesterday. It worked but I am so run down from go go go for 2 months. Now I need assisted living or relocation away from my triggers to recouperate enough so I can work on my issues.
I am not Dr and def not telling anyone what to do..but I do want to mention..PTSD and bipolar are estremely close in symptoms..you have to be very careful. If you have really high highs, low lows, go on extreme energy bursts, spend $ you don't have etc..tell your Dr ASAP. Have a great day !!