This is probably a silly question but has anyone tried a flotation tank to maybe try and ease some pain?
I know with major surgery it will probably not help, but if anyone has used this after surgery please can I have your views.
This is probably a silly question but has anyone tried a flotation tank to maybe try and ease some pain?
I know with major surgery it will probably not help, but if anyone has used this after surgery please can I have your views.
whenb i was playing first class rugby in the 80s floation tanks were new will carling told me he used one to ease bumps bruises and torn muscles really not sure what pain you are syuffering but give it a bash
Hi, I've not used a tank as such but I have had floatation treatment in a hydrotherapy pool for a condition that I've had for a number of years, this was before my head injury. It was bliss because it meant I had my body totally supported which eased the pain I suffer because of the condition. Results weren't long lasting for me but as I said, it was for a unrelated issue to the head injury. How useful it would be for pain related to head injury I dont know, but if its an option open to you it's worth a shot- nothing ventured nothing gained and all that! Wish you all the best.