Three years ago i suffered a brain aneurysm. It has completely turned my life upside down, I'd like to hear from someone who has had a similar experience
Brain aneurysm: Three years ago i suffered a brain... - Headway
Brain aneurysm

I had a bleed in the brain from a ruptured Aneursym in 2011 - then went onto have a stroke on day 9 after the operation to clip the ruptured Aneursym, they found a second one which they also clipped. How has it turned your life upside down? I know my life has changed as a result.
Hello, I had a SAH in February 2011.
My life has changed a lot, I have been retired from work and gone from doing far too much at 100 miles an hour to what felt like a complete stand still for a long time.
I had a blog before I got ill and I have written a lot about my experiences and also books and websites I found that were useful for me. It is here if it's any help
Hi I suffered a Sah 11 weeks ago so its early days for me. My life has definitely been turned upside down. I'm a single mum of two, the youngest being 23 months so I'm having to carry on as normal despite being tired, ill and very scared. Always open for a chat x
Hi, I had my SAH September 2011
Outwardly I havent any obvious problems but life is different!
Would also love to know other SAH peoples problems, perhaps we should start listing things to see what we can share and help each other with?
My personality has changed - less tolerant, more tearful, lonely (mainly because I dont know this new Linda and the way she thinks and hide away!)
Feel like Im letting people down because of my lack of short term memory
Hi there. you have so knocked the nail on the head( that sounds so wrong) Always here for a chat not long come across this site wish i'd of found it sooner. Best wishes
Hi, it coming up to a year since I my burst brain aneurysm & SAH. Like you I don't have any obvious outward problems but that doesn't mean I'm the same as before! My short term memory is definitely worse, and I rely on list making more than I did before. I would say I'm a bit calmer, happier to take things as they come - I think to myself, the world is not going to end because of that problem! I'm more tearful too, but its worse when I'm tired/fatigued which seems to be a lot! Vitamins are helping though and would you believe it, the GP even suggested that some light exercise might help, although its the last thing I feel like doing! Mostly I think I struggle because my life perspective has changed. I want to make the most of life and see family and friends more often, but the thing is that noone else's perspective has changed. Its hard, but I thank God every day because it could have been so much worse. I think what's missing is support like this - I'm happy to chat, any time. x
Hi Platinumcoils, Thank you for reply. I do understand what you mean, I am calmer in a lot of ways, I think it is a lot to do with life has to be at a slower pace now, which helps your brain to cope better. Like you I am so very grateful that I have no serious problems but I just cant shake this empty feeling, kind of like I should be doing something but I dont know what? Its interesting about the exercise thing, I was also told that and spoke to my doctor about it as there is a Physical Activity Referral Scheme, which he referred me too and I now have to ring and make an appointment - I will let you know what they say! I suppose it does make sense, some light exercise to get blood flow and oxygen to our brains. Although, me and my dog are sitting by the fire with a nice hot chocolate, exercise doesn't seem to be top of my list either!
Celebrate your 1year anniversary, lovely to chat, big hugs, Linda x
My partner had a brain aneurysm in mid 2005 and operated with clips in early 2006, He has recently been diagnosed with depression. I think the two are linked and he has suffered for a while and just not recognised the signs. Has anyone else witnessed this with a survivor or felt it themselves as someone who has suffered from this condition. G.P doesn't seem to ever offer any support other than a rubbish referral for counselling and popping pills. Cant seem to get any help in the form of benefits either as he is unable to work due to the depression and no-one seems to know who can provide any support or help. Would be good to hear from anyone that wants to chat. Many thanks for reading. Sally x