Are there any people on this site who have felt they were improving but a few days later back to being rotten . Had a 28 mm annie coiled and a stent placed with an artery occluded in April . Another stent placed in September, both last year . Soooo dizzy , right eye blurry and every time I try to eat something I’m sick 🤢.
Unruptured aneurysm : Are there any people on this... - Headway
Unruptured aneurysm

God days followed by bad are normal.if you continue to be off food and feeling sick please see your GP
My symptoms were abating at the 5 month point Shon but, whereas mine was a fairly straightforward coiling to stem a bleed, your poor brain has been through the mill this past year. It's good you're having the scan next month ; I found MRIs reassuring in the early days when I was still bemused about the whole aneurism thing.
Have a note of your symptoms with you at your assessment and don't be afraid to voice any concerns. It's so easy to get sidetracked then, just as your making for the exit, realising you've forgotten to broach an issue you've waited months to ask about !
Hope your symptoms are either 'normal' or fixable m'dear. I remember dizziness and blurred vision being an issue for many months after a ruptured aneurism but had the dizziness remedied by an ENT specialist and my foggy vision turned out to be cataracts !
Hope you get to the crux of matters and see some real improvements this year. Cat x
Thanks Cat,I really hope it’s just my brain recovering , i couldn’t go through all that again. I’ve been to an optician and I have very small cataracts in both eyes but only to be expected at my age —-cheek . Lol . I’m such a stubborn woman and I know it will take more time than this to get better but it’s so frustrating. I just can’t make plans for anything these days . Not like me at all , maybe I’ve pushed myself too much , I don’t know . I’m looking forward to the MRI which hopefully will reveal the coils and stents are doing their jobs . These stroke symptoms are awful though . Take care Cat and thank you
Shona xx🤗🏴
If it's any comfort I struggled for the first 12 months/2 years with the frustration from poor mobility ; headaches ; memory issues and heightened emotions. I think my recovery plateaued at the 3 year point and since that time I've learned various techniques & tricks to manage the leftover issues. And of course avoidance of noisy, bright, overwhelming places still applies for avoiding sensory overload.
Keep us updated m'dear………. x🌷
Thank you , I think I needed a time frame from somebody . I know each person is different but I’ve never been in touch with anybody who is or has gone through the symptoms as me . Even the various consultants I have spoken to have no idea what to do next . It was a German Professor who suggested another stent which is obviously working and I’m really happy about that . The side effects are hellish but I’ll struggle on and hope they get better . Hope the MRI scan appointment comes soon . Something I thought I would never say lol . Never thought my retirement would start like this . 🤗🏴xx
Clever devils these neurosurgeons. let's face it Shon, we have their years of study, dedication and expertise to thank for our lives ; not to mention the teams of researchers working endlessly behind the scenes.
My life's no longer as I'd like it to be, but I'll be forever thankful to my surgeon for his work in the early hours of Dec.11th 2011; he has a special place in my heart !
Take care...…… xx
I agree with you a hundred percent . Some you like and some you can’t take to but the guy who helped me was absolutely brilliant and not so far up his backside that he wouldn’t admit he didn’t know what to do next . He is just wonderful and I’m happy to put the beast in the head into his hands . I was on an American site for a while but it was too holy joe for me . Their lives were in gods hands and if they survived it was gods work —— whit ?.. Surgeons had nothing to do with it , heavens sake !!! He was an interventional neuroradiologist I had . Aneurysm was too big , in a difficult part of the brain to be clipped . It would have to be 😂😂 No ordinary aneurysm for me .
Thanks Cat , you always make me feel better xx
Shona 🤗🏴
Thanks for that Shona. My neurosurgeon was the person who did my first 3 month review. He was a diminutive Asian guy with a welcoming handshake & a beaming smile. He explained in detail the before-and-after scans...…..saying how it gave him such a kick seeing a patient transformed from dangerously ill to 'Looking great and walking and talking, and that he'd had a hand in it (then he joked saying 'And I mean literally') !!
A modest, engaging character I shall never forget.
Off to bed now (early for me 11.30pm) as I've a consultation at an eye clinic tomorrow morning for repairing my defective lenses after a cataract op. last year (elsewhere)………. seems you can't win 'em all ! Night m'dear…… Cat x
If you don't feel well always see Doc, puts your mind at ease and we do not or cannot take stress after a brain injury so keep happy and get confirmation all is okay and it will put you at ease xx Hope today is a better day, since my SAH I have migraines and get zz lines across my eyes arghhh lol I just get off computer and have a sleep xxx Good luck Shon48
Like you I also had an unruptured aneurysm - 18 mm - coiuled and stented in April 18. Then had another embolised in Oct 18. I have been told the dizziness in my head is not real - just in my head!lol. I feel like I have had the stuffing knocked out of me and soon get exhausted even after doing simple things. Reading this forum has made me realise that I need to be patient - accept what has happened and give my body time to recover.
I have an odd day when I feel ok - then feel rotten for days. So slowly does it.
That’s just me exactly . The dizziness , they think , is the aneurysm leaning towards the nerves that deals with eyes , facial nerves etc .The right eye doesn’t close properly and the right side of face and mouth is frozen although I’m finding a slight improvement. I’ve lost nearly three stones in weight as my taste buds have gone haywire . Oh happy days . “Things can only get better “. Take care
Shona 🤗🏴
Good luck , it’s taking me about 2 yrs to be 90% right again I had a rupture whist in surgery and I had a good day then a few bad days , long road but made me realise live life to the full and try to enjoy every day xx
I also have problems with the right side of my face - my eye droops and I also have double vision - my mouth droops which can make eating painful as I bite my toungue and the in side of my mouth resulting in ulcers. Doing things mindfully helps - just concentrating on what the task is. No more multi tasking!lol x