Have received my appointment to have a CT scan on the arteries . Can anybody tell me what difference this scan is to the 2 CT scans I’ve already had ? Thank you 🤗
Unruptured brain aneurysm : Have received my... - Headway
Unruptured brain aneurysm

It's not unusual to have more than one c T scan shon48. Buthe I do understand how worrying it is. You best to ask your GPS. To explain it in detail.good luck.x
Thank you . I’ve had two ct scans - one with contrast and one just scanned. Just wasn’t sure what ct on the arteries would entail .
It's supposed to be all explained in a letter to your gp but they can be a bit slow sending results out.I've had 2 .1 with contrast 1 without now I. My waiting for a barium ct it's never ending!
I’m having to go to a different health board which the G.P can’t help with. It’s been quite a process . I’ll just have to wait with excitement at what’s ahead ( get it ?) . 🤗🏴
Yes their awful!! 😷😷
Hope I don’t have to go down that route 🤢
Probably not shon. My intestinal & bowel. From radiation & burst appendix. I've hadone 3 major surgeries and it's all surgical scarring.😢
Keep in touch. Let me know how you get on. X
Different contrasts show up different elements clearer in the CT such as normal CT just shows the organ, contrast shows the blood vessels to the organ and barium lines the tubes and inside so assume shows the tissues in the organ more if there is scaring or holes - i would ask the GP to explain it to you more or ask for a leaflet that explains it.
Thank you . I’ve had a CT and then a CT with contrast . The letter for the hospital which deals with neurology has put CT scan of your Arteries so I’m taking from that it’s the contrast one. Who knows , GP doesn’t know much about it all. All she said that it was an 18mm aneurysm .
Could it be that the hospital wants a better scan than 7 previous ones for them to review and decided what to do? I had to have another scan as the local hospital hadn't done it properly