... is today
In 'celebration' another outing for 'Some People' which in itself is 8 years old now. Still relevant though I believe and still not nearly shared enough to raise awareness...
... is today
In 'celebration' another outing for 'Some People' which in itself is 8 years old now. Still relevant though I believe and still not nearly shared enough to raise awareness...
My anniversary today too Andy! (I knew it was around this time so decided to check the medical notes just now). Mine was 7th Dec 2011, so 13 years ago for me. . .
Like most of us, my memory's now full of gaps and cloudy bits and yet (though I was out for the count on 07.12.2011) events of the following months are indelible.
I remember the first time you posted 'Some People' it touched a nerve for me . . . & for many others. Never loses relevance for folks like us does it ?
E.. Xx
To be honest, I've been told about four different dates over the years but I was certainly comatose about now, thirty years ago. I remember having the idea for 'Some People' like it was yesterday and it did seem to make a mark at the time but never really got beyond the brain injury community, sadly. I was hoping it would hit the target in the mainstream and make folk think but it didn't really work on that level.
Hope you're well m'dear and life is treating you well
Too big a leap of the imagination for those unaffected, I guess.
Still awaiting new knee since meniscus tear in Feb 2022 !
Just making a start on writing out Xmas cards ; thanks for yours m'love . . . . Hope all's good with you all. x
My pleasure!
So true, it hit home as to how many changes we are having to deal with. That should be made into an advert, then maybe others would understand !!! Nice one, BaronC.
Thanks for this Baron, well said
My 4 year anniversary was Monday 9th December. Though its odd, it feels like time has flew by but my brain hasn't (if that even makes sense)