Hello everyone! I just wanted to update people on the fact that I'm adding to an Instagram page I've started about my TBI.
It's called #i_had_tabi_2008 if anyone is interested...I'd love people to take a look if you can relate to it in any way X
Hello everyone! I just wanted to update people on the fact that I'm adding to an Instagram page I've started about my TBI.
It's called #i_had_tabi_2008 if anyone is interested...I'd love people to take a look if you can relate to it in any way X
Oops I put that in wrong sorry! It's #i_had_tbi_2008
Very well done for putting such a very moving and personal story out there Lucy,, and for highlighting the very cruel juxtaposition between your before and after. Bravely done, has it been helpful to get it out in order now? And your art is wonderful. (I just wrote you a longer reply and promptly lost it to the ether I'm afraid, sorry ...) J x
you know J, it *has* been helpful to get it on a page in the order it happened. I'm not sure why though, it's certainly not for getting attention from other people, it's more that I can put my hand up and say yes, this happened to me. I used to be here but now I'm in a different place. Thinking about it right now makes me think it almost helps me to accept that it *did* happen - and accepting it has been (and still is) such a huge goal in my life X
Thank you! I will have a look. Did your tbi begin in 2008? I hade mine Nov 2017, so we may have shared a fair amount of time in this new world.
Yes tunas, I had my TBI in 2008 - you're right about "new world" as when I had my brain injury things felt very different for me. They still are, though the difference has become smaller as time has passed in my life... X
will try to!!
you should try TBI Warriors and Survivors on facebook, we are all going through different stuff but they seem a great bunch of people....I got my TBI May 21 and even tho I was in a wheelchair after it happened, I am now running and swimming and almost got my hill legs, not been out on my bike yet, but that will come eventually, because Im determined to beat this!Just did my driving assessment, and it went good.Its been and still is one hell of a journeys must remember and look you up on instagram!
Hey thanks for the tip there runnerswimmerbiker - I'll check it out! It's great to hear that you're getting some of yourself back after your TBI. Oh, and can I say, I got epilepsy after my TBI so of course DVLA took my licence back. Having not had a fit since 2013 it's taken many years to get my licence back but I have it now and can drive thank goodness! X
hi I’ve tried to find you on instagram but getting nothing ?? What am I doing wrong 😑
Hmmm Teazymaid, not sure why you can't get on Instagram. I know you can't see my page unless you have an Instagram page of your own. If you do have a page then put i_had_tbi_2008 in the search space and I should turn up. To be honest I'm not a techy expert so if you can't find me then message again and I'll try and sort it out X
I’ve found it 😁I’m not so good on instagram things .. just read it .very inspiring lady .. love your word trying to make sense of life after your TBI ❤️so true for I think most of us to varying degrees .. keep tell your story of life as it is so miss understood by others and also medics .. sue x