crying, irritated, stress. anger. sad. I can't keep everything inside all the time. It makes me ill. I never seem to do anything right. I not relating to people. I have a low tolerance for noise. loud people. I miss the old outgoing me who loves meeting and interacting with people. can't lean/depend on the usual people all the time. I stay away cause too many misunderstandings etc
What can I do to help with my emotions....its all ... - Headway
What can I do to help with my emotions....its all over the place.

It's tough I know and I struggled for the first year after my benign tumour was removed and 4 years on some sounds still annoy me, people munching, bird song and running water. I have learned to keep my annoyance at bay although last week I lost my temper with my mum for crunching biscuits. I felt bad afterwards and apologised. I try to keep it in but I know that's not good either. Have you talked to your GP about it?
I have been more emotional if tired and equally had more rows with my wife since I've just got upset over who knows what, much less so now, early on was hard on my wife.
My emotions were all over the place for some time, still now if I'm tired or ill or stressed.
It was hard on my partner and my children in the earl years. It still is now sometimes.
It did ease as time passed.
I'm just coming up to my year-aversary (bump-aversary) and my emotions in the last 6 months have been so so so up up up and downdowndowndowndown. i've gone from no emotions to all the emotions and tears and sadness and now to anger and stress. i've gone from complete avoidance of all things injury related and pushing away all of my support to wanting to learn and read and share. it feels like a scary place to be and a giant task to try for a bit of self-awareness but this is the best place i've been in (even though i still want to madly run away from everything and not speak to anyone). meeting with my occupational therapist has helped a lot. just having words to describe how i'm feeling makes it all a bit more manageable to deal with. sigh.
Just lately I am finding the same I just don't want to interact with people at work and find it hard to bite my tongue sometimes with certain people.
They have no understanding of what's happening because from the outside I look fine and I don't discuss it with them anyway so I just generally do my thing and not always join in half the time I can't be bothered to hear the moaning of trivial everyday events that have happened at work it's like same ***t different day so what!!!!
IM exactly the same. I am an ex drug user and have been clean from April 2013. I met a girl who totally changed me in one night, didn't use again. What i didn't know was i shouldn't have just stopped like that .Since 2013 my emotions have been crazy. I got into self harming, just to release the pain. I went to far several times and have been to hospital 7times in 13months. I don't know what it is im feeling and it drives me nuts. I feel for you cos im feeling same way as u. X