Feeling quite "bolshie:today: Hi,getting more than a... - Headway


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Feeling quite "bolshie:today

Dogsabighelp profile image
6 Replies

Hi,getting more than a little tired of people renaging on me.I mean,its not like I'd arranged to meet someone for coffee and they didn't turn up?when I'm told by hospital(and given a name)of someone who was supposed to contact me regarding video contact and no call?are these people stupid?do they not think I'm going to hold them to task?how much longer do these people think I'm going to sit here and take this crap?so,time to put big girl pants on..I'm going to give myself a breather today,but tomorrow....

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Dogsabighelp profile image
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6 Replies
marzy23 profile image

I am fed up of something very simular. If this turns into a bit of a rant I am sorry like you I need to vent. They are driving me nuts. Why can we not trust people to do their jobs and do and what they say they are going to do. Its bad enough having a brain injury I have to double check what i am doing without having to make sure other people so called professionals are doing what they are supposed to be doing as well. I was diagnosed with copd then asthma by three separate consultants one private two NHS, and I saw asthma nurse for four years took asthma drugs for fours year was hospitalised 3 times with breathing problems and pneumonia. I HAVE NEVER HAD ASTHMA it took five years to realise I had a brain tumour. It took me unable to.walk in a straight line and blinding headaches to send me for a head CT. I wish things changed,five years on this are some of the things that have happened recently I have had doctors prescribing medication that can't be taking with current medication and another one I was allergic to. Then my pharmacy sending wrong strength controlled drugs luckily lower rather higher strength (did get a letter apologising for the mistake and explaining that the mix up.was the little band of.colour on the packaging being mistaken one was yellow.other orange surely they should be reading the wording). Our post person putting medication in the wrong addresses green bin. Only similarity was the house number and the same housing estate our address lines and postcodes are different. This happening once is bad but this its actually the third time!! I have been for five years suffering from occipital neuralgia that was caused by nerve damage caused by the crainotomy I had to remove brain tumour. I have been given steroid injections every 12 weeks for over 4 years that have left my face disfigured (I can explain further). If that's not bad enough they are now trying to kill my my carer my husband, he was prescribed statins because he is diabetic(the explanation given afterwards) but has no blood pressure problems. Luckily after postperson 3 cock ups we have changed to have medication delivered by the pharmacy and as this process takes longer his gp discovered the mistake the day they were delivered. Luckily he hadn't taken any, there was a note on the bag telling him why he should take them aswell. The list is alot lot, lot longer but even I am bored now. I am also very glad to be alive, so as of yet, I have never officially complained.. YET !!.... I want to trust professionals and believe people are gonna do what they say they are gonna do but they are making it very VERY difficult. So my big pants are on and this girl, brain injury or not like you dogs a big help I am taking no more crap. Good luck for tomorrow and if you ever want to vent back please anytime u like be a pleasure xxx

Dogsabighelp profile image
Dogsabighelp in reply to marzy23

Omg. Marzy I'm so very sorry for you both.I think you get to a point whereby you just say hang on a minute,this is neither fair or right.my sons life was in balance for almost 3 weeks,I know he was not expected to survive his injuries can you imagine my pain if he had died without my being there?he has,and is overcoming so many other issues and that's without the b/injury he has which is very severe.my belief is that,only in the last 3/4 weeks staff have realised that my boy is made of strong stuff and has fought off every infection and problems he has had.I intend to add my strength to his.from tomorrow,all that have stood in my way,lied to me,avoided me,broken arrangements and promises to me are going to hear about it.I will no longer be fobbed off,I want answers and solutions.these people need to understand the extreme pressures faced by us,made worse by the lack of respect and compassion shown by them,the faceless ones hiding on the other end of a telephone.I'm tired of being held hostage,these people have no authority over me,I have done nothing wrong,so why should I be punished?

marzy23 profile image
marzy23 in reply to Dogsabighelp

I have two sons I can't think of anything worse to be honest. Omg I am sorry about your son and how dare they lie and stand in your way. I am so sorry for ranting you have enough to deal wid. I am the one with the brain injury and my husband the one that's been where you are and I don't know how he copes. He has is own health problems and is my carer and also our youngest son carer who is autisticand has dyspraxia. Which is actually where my anger frustration started from and couldn't then believe it when the postman delivering two doors down post with ours. I sort of spiralled. I am trying to understand and learn about something called an EHCP educational health care plan and who does what and who hasn't done what. Its something that kids have when they have disability, whilst they are at school .They have been using covid, our shielding situation and my brain injury as an excuse for not doing what they should have been, to the point they have actually been breaking the law. I am trying to learn and understand it. Its so hard with brain injury but not giving up, there has got to be a way round it. So bottom line we are two Mams fighting for our boys against people who should be supporting not lying and doing the bloody opposite of what they are supposed be doing. Your situation obviously alot worse. May your son astound them everyday and may you have the strength to kick their backsides tomorrow and all the days in the future whenever they give u cause. Sending you the biggest hugs and all very best today. xx

New_beginning profile image

Yes, hospital are poor with time keeping, sadly even with consultants calling, brain injury team just stopped visits for 3months didnt return calls from 19th January, until 29th March, they know husbands behaviour poor and they know I'm on my own with 2 kids no practical support and im working.

Family walked away 9th week my husband home end of May 2020. My mother lives 1mile up road, she works, drives but and out of blue yesterday posted Easter money literally £20 note through letter box no card or envelope. I messaged her thanked her as will put towards their new footwear. I've not seen her since husbands TBI over year ago, shes not seen my children/husband once. She moaned back with message she hasn't seen her friend who's daughter had covid, like it was a inconvenience for her coming to my door, not even knocking ringing door bell.

Friends all did the avoidance by August 2020 even friends of 20yrs t not seen any of them to now receiving a message asking how things are every 6-8wks, they live locally I got to point I haven't replied this month just think F them all.

Yes got of my chest too, sorry about that.

Dogsabighelp profile image
Dogsabighelp in reply to New_beginning

Well said my friend!I don't really have anyone,we pretty much keep ourselves to ourselves,don't have any close family either but I can imagine how hurtful it is for you.its almost as if we have covid/plague we are to be avoided at all costs!I sometimes want to stand at my door and shout,"it can happen to anyone".I for one will not ever forget those that came to my aid when I needed it,and for those who I thought would,but didn't...

Pairofboots profile image

Hello. I would, and do get peved by poor service. I've got to be honest, when I was in practice on the wards, I seemed to spend so much time apologising to patients, staff, ect. I would start out with good intentions, then find rapidly that my time was stretched in so many directions.

I was often the nurse in charge, they say good management is to delegate, but if you were the only RN, as was often the case, there are so many jobs that you can not delegate. It leaves you feeling like you have achieved very little, but your brain is like scrambled egg. You would often stay on at the end of the shift just to catch up with all the things you didn't manage to achieve.

But something I did attempt to do is give time to relatives.

My services was in a forensic MH MSU, much more moving targets, and security, so very different to general nursing.

The training that nurses receive now catapults them in to roles they are ill prepared to take on, they have the clinic knowledge, but not the practice experience.

I know that this doesn't solve any problems for you. The only way to solve this issue is to become officially a right royal pain. Hospitals hate complaints. It reflects badly on their CQC ratings. PALS is your route of complaining, even if this becomes a daily occurrence.

You have tried to talk to the ward, you have talked to PALS, now, that has resulted in broken promises. Time to talk to PALS again and say you want to escalate your grievances. This will trigger an investigation as to what has gone wrong (there are time limits on a response and action plan of how this will be resolved). If that doesn't work then escalate it further to the CEO. CEOs hate when complaints reach them because it means that ever stage has failed.

Now adays you can download the complaints policy from the hospital website.

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