So what are the best stratagies you have for coping with the current situation and a brain injury?
Current situation coping mechanisms : So what are... - Headway
Current situation coping mechanisms
Have a look at this, plus try the Headway helpline on 0808 800 2244.
All the best. 🌸
Maybe it is my brain injury, or the fact I was a nurse before, but I'm just hunkered down, I don't have an extensive social life, think the trip to the chemist is a highlight, although I'm not sure that is such a great thing currently?
I'm just pottering round, doing a bit of decorating as much as I can.
I know worldwide things are grim, but worrying isn't going to make it less grim.
Follow the NHS advice. Life continues, in danger of giving me age away, and may not make any sense to you at all? "It's life Jim, but not as we know it!" 😀
Well my plan was to self isolate with 2 friends and copious amounts of alcohol but one phoned in 'sick' although he thinks it's just a cold, so nothing happened.
The Leisure Centers closed but TP so plentiful I couldn't get round the local cheepo shop last week and OMG Aldi's red wine was totally sold out
Try not to watch too much news on TV or newspapers. No social media at all. At home with books, dog, music, cooking food, poetry, uplifting films, walks with dog, telephone if I feel the need to speak. Alone but not lonely.
ditto, but I am going to tackle the weeds in the borders, cut the grass and paint the fence in the week. Have a dog but walking him up in to the fields well away from humans. I'm quite content and plan to stay in my bubble....nothing I'm not used to anyway!
what if u dont even have a dayjob and your whole life is already a coping strategy? where theres so much room for emprovement? you cant even improve on one thing?
that nhs page is no good nothing specific
I think if you have particular concerns that relate to your TBI then the Headway helpline is probably going to be your best resource.
As I've been offered the flu jab since I became epileptic so I know I'm in the at risk group.
However if you were already at the age were the flu jab is automatic it will be more difficult to know if your TBI as increased your risk or not.